Diesel-1's picture
  • 183

+ 25 NPP/Mast cycle continued


I got sick halfway through my last blast of NPP and Mast so I had to cut it short. Back on it now at about 6 weeks in.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

This is what a real man should look like. Big badass monster with killer forearms and a thick beard. ++ respect from me brother! I could imagine you wearing big bad M60 into a battlefield...

Diesel-1's picture

Haha Rambo style, thanks man!

sunamcaxa's picture

you look sick bro ! great work , i wish to like this

bro I have question last time when I added NPP to my test only cycle, I got very bad digestion, I guess liver didn’t handle npp, any thoughts about that?

I ran NPP few times never had this problem

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Diesel-1's picture

Thanks bro, I've never had any problems with indigestion with NPP . Most likely another cause, many factors to consider...orals cause indigestion for many people, maybe something in your diet, laying down too soon after eating, the list goes on and on but unlikely from NPP.

papa.smurf0311's picture

NICE! This is actually my next cycle. NPP/Test Prop/Mast Prop/Var/Proviron/Growth. I WISH I could get that lean. Im digging the line going up the center of the chest all the way. and your core is looking nice and grainy, lean with a little cut.

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks! It's definitely a favorite cycle of mine.

Sun and Steel's picture

Great cuts and lean and mean. Can’t see it any better than this.

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks man! Putting in the work and trying to get better every year

FJB's picture

Lookin great but I think the beard is what brings it all together... Just kidding bro keep killing it

Diesel-1's picture

Like Sampson, but my strength comes from my beard not my hair, if I shave it I might lose my gains lol. Thanks bro

Makwa's picture

Muscles looking grainy and dense. Mature muscle for sure. Like the thin skin.

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks Makwa, grainy and dense is what I'm going for.

thahulk2014's picture

Fuck yeah brother. Lookin great.

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks brother!

Thomahawk's picture

Trying to be like you when I grow up

Diesel-1's picture

Who said I ever grew up lol

Becausesquat's picture


Diesel-1's picture

Thanks bro!

GrowMore's picture

Need a name change to big-diesel. Straight up unit. What’s the wheels looking like?

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Diesel-1's picture

Haha...Big Diesel does have a ring to it. Thanks bro! I need to get a full length mirror in my house so I can take a proper full body shot. Wheels are definitely in proportion to the rest of me tho. I have some calves shots in my previous pics that everyone seemed to like. I'll try to include them in my next progress pic.

GrowMore's picture

I remember it now. You’ve worked hard bro and it shows. You take smaller dosages that me but look twice as big. I really need to get a coach again

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Diesel-1's picture

Appreciate it bro, I have been putting in the work. My doses aren't extreme but definitely aren't on the low side either, upper mid range seems to do the trick for me.

press1's picture

Yeh Jesus I remember those calf pictures - Moo Cows!!!!

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Diesel-1's picture

Lol...I like to think of them as a baby bull rather than a calf, probably the same thing by definition but sounds better to me haha

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks bro!

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks bro, I really focus on the muscle I'm working rather than trying to lift as heavy as possible... don't get me wrong I do love going heavy at times but as a bodybuilder you have to keep the ego lifting to a minimum.

Diesel-1's picture

This is Sparta!! Lol thanks bro

Diesel-1's picture

Glad I can help to inspire someone. We all need some inspiration at some point.

Diesel-1's picture

Good eye! I was always in awe of Arnold's chest development so I've tried to emulate some of his movements like the wide dumbbell chest fly's. It really helps broaden the pecs

Big Tone36's picture

Flys are the best! I don't have great chest genetics and I have over powering delts so presses never gave me great development but I do 3 fly movements for chest and it worked better for it.

Diesel-1's picture

That's key in developing a good physique. Knowing what works for you and what doesn't.

Diesel-1's picture

Yes sir, good stuff!

Big Tone36's picture

Ripped my guy! Good work +1

Big Tone36's picture

What are you test dosages? I just dropped mine in hopes to shred up a bit

Diesel-1's picture

Thanks bud! Much appreciated!

Big Tone36's picture

What are you test dosages? I just dropped mine in hopes to shred up a bit

Diesel-1's picture

If you look at my previous pic before this one I was running just over a gram of test in that one and dropped down to 900mg of sustanon this time around, doesn't seem like a big drop but those shorter esters in the sust are keeping me pretty lean with less water retention

Big Tone36's picture

That where I was at too 1200 test e then switch to the sustanon, now straight prop 800mg

Big Tone36's picture

I've been shooting gear for almost 2 decades I don't get phased to much from test prop. I won't use 200mg/ml prop I bet that hurts more than I'm willing to tolerate on regular basis. Some people are pip sensitive I'm not so much. Although certain products like cut mix with a lot of gear packed into 1 ml will always hurt but I deal with it.

Diesel-1's picture

Yeah, no doubt shorter esters are the way to go if you're trying to lean out. I'd run straight prop too but I'm already pinning a lot of oil as it is

Big Tone36's picture

I shoot 150mg prop with his cut mix which has 50mg per ml. So that's 200mg e.o.d.
The cut mix has minor pip but is a good way to cut down on oil. I feel you on that . I'm blasting 3.5ml e.o.d. I got got the primo in there too. Luckily I can put that in my delts no problem and glutes.

Diesel-1's picture

Yep, the less oil to pin the better. At one point I was pinning 3cc's 5 days a week on a NPP, DHB cycle and man does that get old quick lol

press1's picture

Looking like a piece of Lean meat as always pal!!! Rock On ..... Ok

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