UNIT_'s picture
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Gear shelf life


i plan on placing an order soon for test and npp but the npp wont get used until my next blast which is 4-8 months away

how long does gear usually last if stored correctly? im just worried about it losing potency

should i just order the test now and order the npp later on when it gets closer to my next blast cycle?

Voodoo4312's picture

Lol being an ex addict I resent that lol I think of it as a fine wine. Only gets better with age ;-)

Owes a Review × 4
Drock_357's picture

Any reference to going “ deep in the cheeks”, is required a no homo….it’s in chapter 2, sub chapter c, rule 12…I’m sure this was a simple case of not knowing the no homo handbook so no karma taken……
No homo..

Voodoo4312's picture


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Makwa's picture

It is not like milk. It won't go bad.

Drock_357's picture

Are you sure your ready for a 19nor , being you’re asking this question?

Greg's picture

A simple formula is similar to PCT formula. 1.5 times your age = shelf life.

Halsey's picture

My pharmacist says 30 days after opening.

Greg's picture

The military was losing millions of dollars tossing exp meds out, until they made a study and found out differently.

There are laws on the books that force an expiration date to be posted. Often times the date is arbitrary. It can also increase sales.

UGL's are unregulated. They just want to look legit. Who's requiring the date? the FDA?. There is a lot of reasons to be wary about UGL the date isn't one of them.

I’d just go by a general rule of using it within X years of when it was purchased.

Which probably makes the most sense if one is concerned about such things; using the date purchased as the DMARC. The labels can be months or year(s) older than the gear.

I've used goths wifes gear some months back without even thinking about it. It must have been about 5 or 6 years old at that time... maybe older. (Mind you, This was a completely unthought out choice I didn't consider until now If Halsey was a mod right now, and I hadn't logged in for quite some time, it'd be safe to conclude it was a bad choice). -I do not recommend doing the same. We each have our tolerance for risk.

Here's my review: worked as expected, it was fyah, I was good 2 go.
