BigDaddy66's picture
  • 38

+ 4 Strength Training


15 wks of strength training

red222's picture

what do you do in this workout? +

BigDaddy66's picture

it's nothing really complicated.. (Try to work each muscle group twice a week) I'll use chest exercises for an example but it can be done for any muscle group.. Mainly I focus on doing compound exercises (i.e. weighted dips, Flys, incline bench for example) right around the 8-10 rep mark for week 1. Then I will switch up for wk 2 and every exercise will be done in pyramids. Week 3 I'll do say 500-600 push-ups sets of 20 with 30-45 seconds rest in between. I change up my movements/style and repetition to confuse my muscle memory. When I go full circle back to week 1 I'm adding 10 lbs for argument sake I am stronger than I was 3 weeks prior. It's basically a ever evolving as my body changes and adapts so does my approach not real rocket science.

Makwa's picture

I had to give up strength training many moons ago. Just hypertrophy now. Every once in awhile a get a wild hair up my ass and do some strength training though. I-m so happy

BigDaddy66's picture

I hear ya brother going on 46 I get a little nervous about blowing out shoulders etc.. After dropping my intestines into my sack once upon a time. Now my strength training consists on gradually building reasonable gains but no more power lifting joints cannot handle that anymore.

Zee's picture

I am the same but in my 30's and blown my right AC joint twice which limits how much weight I can lift and what workouts i can do. Now anytime I feel something funny or pressure in the joint I stop training, I can not risk further injuries or fractures, it can take you out the gym for a long time.

BigDaddy66's picture

Let alone your daily job... I was off for 3 months after that hernia it was vicious one.

BigDaddy66's picture

To get the results you have to do what most people are not willing to.