Vincent Valentine's picture
Vincent Valentine
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Test Cypionate, Deca, Adrol, and Tren finisher


Hey everyone, this is my first cycle log on eroids and it's definitely an odd one.

I'm sure I'll get chewed out for both stacking Deca with Tren and for only running the Tren for four weeks, so let me address any potential concerns now.

First, the only reason I'm comfortable with the idea of running Deca and Tren simultaneously is because I'm on TRT. Therefore the immense HPTA shutdown stacking these compounds will cause is less of a concern for me. I'm also meticulous with monitoring prolactin/progesterone related sides and have enough quality cabergoline to sink a small ship.

Second, the reason I'm only running Tren for four weeks is multi-faceted and more experimental than anything. I was given two bottles of Tren Ace 100 as compensation for a heavily botched order, which isn't my preferred ester and isn't even enough to run 350mg/week for six weeks. I have a show coming up that I plan on prepping for by running Tren Enanthate at 500mg/week paired with Test Cyp at 500mg/week. Since my previous Tren cycle was run at a 2:1 Tren:Test ratio, running both at equal amounts will be new for me. So I figured I may as well use up the Tren Ace I have and see how I handle it at higher amounts and with equivalent Test Cyp.

Alright, on to the cycle!

04/11/2021 - This is a bulk, so I'll be in a fairly high caloric surplus throughout the duration. Starting weight was 166lbs. Macros are currently sitting at 480g carbs, 240g protein, and 85g fat on five days a week on training days. On rest days I knock off 30g carbs. That puts my weekly caloric consumption at 25,275, which obviously doesn't account for fiber intake.

I'm about 6 weeks in and my experience thus far has been pretty smooth. This was my first time ever running Adrol, and holy hell this stuff hits hard! I officially ran out yesterday so I can detail the full spectrum of my experience with the compound.

Pros were insane strength increases, increased aggression in the gym, incredible pumps, vascularity, and constant muscular fullness. Adrol makes it's presence known, and fast. Within 5 weeks I was up 18lbs (a large portion of which is either water weight or fat, I imagine) and lifting heavier than I ever have. My confidence was way up as well, which was a nice bonus.

Cons were crazy amounts of water retention, severe appetite decreases at 100mg/week, massive heartburn (which I believe was due to cholestasis), and slight gyno issues. Force-feeding was necessary to hit my daily macros and my stomach was always full and bloated. At 100mgs a day my body felt straight up toxic. This is largely my fault, as I elected to wait two weeks in to start taking TUDCA as I thought my Liv52 would suffice. Big mistake. I didn't respect the gear and my liver paid the price. The heartburn was so bad it made me have coughing fits. For these reasons I decided to drop the dose to 50mgs a day. Water retention seemed to dissipate a bit with letro, but never really went down until I dropped the dosage. Even now I'm still taking TUDCA and added in NAC around week four to further support my poor liver.

Overall I'd run it again at 75mg a day with TUDCA and NAC from the start.

Seeing as how I just ran out of Adrol, I'm gonna wait a few weeks before commenting on the Test Cyp and Deca. I'll try to dig up a before picture to get some visual progress going.

WeekTestosterone CypionateNandrolone DecanoateOxymetholoneTrenbolone AcetateTUDCALetrozoleCabergoline
1500mg750mg50mg twice a day0.625mg - 1.25mg as needed
2500mg750mg50mg twice a day
3500mg750mg50mg twice a day1000mg-2000mg daily0.25mg - 0.5mg twice a week
4500mg750mg25mg twice a day
5500mg750mg25mg twice a day
Gh0st's picture

Bro :( I kinda hate seeing this. I’m glad you’re taking some suggestions below from what I’ve read. I don’t know what your prior are or how long you’re competing but based on height and weight you’ve gotta be a physique guy?

I’m 5’6.5” and I didn’t even start using test until I was probably close to your starting weight at this cycle. You probably don’t need this man. Coach or not, I’d be looking for another one if this is what was suggested

Owes a Review × 1
maddogg's picture


Vincent Valentine's picture

This cycle is clearly not being well received. That's ok. I'm here to both learn and educate, even if that learning comes from harsh criticism and the only way I end up educating other users is to provide an example of what NOT to do.

With that being said, saying it sucks without providing reasons doesn't help anyone. If it's that obvious it should be easy to shoot down in detail, right?

So, if anyone would like to explain specifically why this cycle is such shit and shed some light on how it could be better please reply to this comment. Thanks guys.

GrowMore's picture

Probably best to look at joining the advanced group on here and post stuff like this cycle in there. We try and be as responsible as possible on eroids which sets us apart from other communities, we get a huge amount of traffic from under 25’s who see your physique, your drug usage and run it straight off the bat.

Delete this and join the group bro. If you need any more help navigating the website let me know.

Owes a Review × 1
Vincent Valentine's picture

Woah. I stated in my post that the heartburn was likely due to cholestasis. I realized this and corrected the behavior by adding several liver support supplements, which I also mentioned in the post.

Before I make you lose ten shekels, educate me. What makes this cycle so horrifically bad?

Vincent Valentine's picture

I appreciate your concern and I know you're looking out for my well-being. Forums like this are better because users like you actually take the time to call out a bad cycle, and I respect that.

For someone so adamant about how this cycle is obviously bad you've provided very little explanation as to why. The most specific you got was by stating that I'd need to run a massive dose of testosterone to compensate for the two 19nors being run simultaneously (my reasons for doing this are, again, clearly stated in my post), which I'm curious about. Would you care to explain why? Seeing as your realm is in physiological effects an explanation should be very easy for you to give. The second point of contention was me taking adrol, and I'm starting to get the sense that on this forum any oral above a certain level of toxicity is labeled as bad and it's user painted as an ignorant person who can't possibly fathom it's negative health consequences. Cholestasis is a risk of taking almost any oral steroid besides anavar or tbol. When I realized I was experiencing it, I halved the adrol dose and added both TUDCA (which helps directly counteracts cholestasis) and NAC as liver support.

Again, I appreciate your concern. I'm genuinely open to learning more and I encourage criticism so long as the person criticizing provides solid arguments to back up their claims.

Zalewski's picture

You’re 184, the same height as me, and taking test, deca, anadrol, and Tren, you could grow on test 500 and like Tbol or NPP, not all of that stack

Vincent Valentine's picture

I mean... technically I could grow without any gear at all man. The growth would just be painstakingly slow and likely underwhelming. The point of running AAS is to accelerate that growth past normal physiological limitations, and adding more compounds is a common way of providing further acceleration.

This cycle is moderately advanced but I wouldn't say it's overkill by any means, if that's what you're implying. It's also practically identical to the one you just outlined (minus the four weeks of Tren) in terms of the amount of different compounds being run simultaneously. I've run cycles consisting of test only, test and one oral, and test paired with another injectable plus one oral. I feel this cycle follows that linear progression well by adding one additional compound taken for a short duration of time.

Zalewski's picture

Firstly I know what steroids do and I understand the reason why we are all here, I’m not upset about that

Secondly, I said or, not both. Also tbol and anadrol are on separate planets, tbol is probably the most mild oral aside from proviron (granted dose determines everything) and anadrol is a known carcinogen on top of a whole shit load of side effects. NPP at 300 and tbol at 20mg is very different than what you posted.

Thirdly, and most importantly, you only need to up doses when shit his stopped after upping everything else. I made it to 232lbs (which isn’t impressive) because I got a coach who made me eat correctly and train way way more properly, gear didn’t change at all. Eat more and train harder to the point where you can’t eat more without adding too much fat or do more volume/weight without risking injury before upping gear.

Vincent Valentine's picture

You're right, you did say or and I didn't catch it. Totally concede that point.

First off, I have a coach too. I log macros daily and have an excel spreadsheet documenting a wide variety of statistics pertaining to my body, including supplements, ancillaries, compounds, water intake, sodium, blood pressure, blood test numbers, etc. Since working with my coach, dialing in my diet/training, and documenting what works for me, my physique has transformed as well.

I'm glad to hear you were able to attain your physique with hard work and minimal gear. Looking at your pics, it's clear you have your body nailed down. But to take your experience and generalize it by claiming someone doesn't need the cycle they're running to grow is both subjective opinion disguised as fact and highly presumptuous. As I've stated, I have several cycles under my belt. Every compound I put in my body is heavily researched beforehand, not based off some bro-science "cuz gains bruh" mentality.

Yes, adrol and tbol are totally different in several ways, as are NPP and Deca. Which is why they have different use cases depending on the goals of the user. Just because you don't find adrol's benefits worth the health complications (a valid opinion because of how insanely liver toxic it is) doesn't make it an inherently worse choice over something as mild as tbol. I'd actually love to run NPP, but because I have to inject twice a week for the rest of my life because I'm on TRT I try to reduce the frequency of my injections as much as possible, which is why I do my best to steer clear of short-estered compounds. The tren I'd be running at the end of this cycle is ace, I know, but I've stated my reasons for running it in my post.

Zalewski's picture

Did you make this cycle or your coach? If it was your coach ask him his reasoning behind the compounds and subsequently the dosages. If there are valid reasons behind the choices then you can know if your coach is good or not. For example, my typical stack is test, NPP, and masteron p and typically at a dose of 600, 300, 300. The reason for the test is because this is the dose I can tolerate without having to use an AI above 0.5mg arimidex. NPP is 300 due to injection schedule and control prolactin sides. 300 keeps me from having elevated levels. Then the masteron p is to allow me to keep off water due to its ability to act as an AI itself as well as the general synergies it has with the other compounds. Now that’s what I am saying is what I am paraphrasing, he would tell me all the exact science and then send me studies but it’s 4am as I am responding to this and I don’t feel like using my brain more than this. Make sure your coach can do this

Zalewski's picture

Very good, 20 weeks out at this point, my weight is around 211-214, planning on feeding into the show so I should weigh in show day around 190 and weight 197-200 on stage. I’ll post pictures once I am 3-4 weeks out