Ells's picture
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+ 1 Oxandrolone only cycle


I started my first cycle (february 18th) with 10mg oxandrolone/day, 4-5 weeks depending on results. Goals: regain a little bit of lean mass and lower fat mass. My diet is very clean and rigid (i think, as should be while taking Anavar) + 5 workout/week. Until now zero side effects, I notice some extra energy and I lost surplus water weight. Unexpectedly, I'm not that hungry despite low calories. Let’s see what happens in the next few weeks!
Weight before cycle: 63 kg (as in the pictures)
Actual weight: 61.5 kg

FettuccineAlfroido's picture

Damn, nice!

NotBothered's picture

Veeeery nice, I’m think of a test/var cycle next round. Keep updating.

Little Jimmy's picture

Looks good.

Pmob's picture

It’s never good in a post to say “I think” seems to me a lot more detail should have been done. Isn’t it always a good idea to have a clean diet? I would just have cleaned up my diet and worked a bit more in the gym and left the AAS out of it. I my .02

In a promo × 1
Ells's picture

You're right, I didn’t explain this very well.
What I meant is that I pay particular attention to the foods I eat (fresh, unprocessed) while i’m taking AAS.
However, my whole life I’ve paid attention to my diet and I have done various sports. I really know my body. Currently 1900 ckal (30% pro, 25% fat, 45% carbs).

Makwa's picture

Eat more protein and less carbs. Switch those two ratios around.

Drock_357's picture

Really ?. What do You know about nutrition anyway?....lol just messing with you makwa, you are THE guru when it comes to nutrition!!..
To the op....listen to advise given and higher protein lower carbs....lower weight higher reps on workouts, then add weight and repeat repeat repeat....yes you look nice but if you’re on cycle then I would like to see some more definitions in muscles,...especially in the quads and shoulders ...don’t be offended please, I’m just justifying the results to a cycle....nutrition, rest, workout, nutrition, ....repeat...

Ells's picture

I'm not offended! Thanks for suggestions.
I can cut carbs (or cycle them?) without problems, for now it is sustainable.
Now (at 3 weeks) delts have + abs have popped out. Quadriceps have always been my weak point(long femurs and classic ectomorph structure)... I will put all my energy into it

Halsey's picture

First things first. Post a picture with todays date. Sorry too many trolls.

Vielen Dank

Ells's picture

Ok will be done!
Danke dir

Halsey's picture

Not done yet!

Goose24's picture


My apologies.. I’m just having a tough time understanding here. This is your first cycle? In a previous post you said this is a new source for you so I was under the understanding that you have already used AAS previously.

Also.. I thought you were Swiss?

Goose24's picture

Yes.. just another fake account looking for karma for promos. Just my .02

Notice how “she” didn’t even comment on what I said or what you said.. only responding to the other responses. If i was new I would be asked what the hell was going on and what we were talking about..

Halsey's picture

Basically all trolls until proven otherwise.

Zalewski's picture

Personally whenever a female friend or gf has asked about gear I usually start them at 5mg on training days only because I like to see how their bodies react, and that’s if they want to do anavar. Tbh typically I prefer females start with clen because it has a mild anabolic effect as well as a far superior fat loss effect. From there I have heard positive things of 5mg of ostarine but have yet to see that in effect myself. That being said 10mg isn’t too crazy, but make sure you keep track of sides.

As for you loss of appetite, that’s pretty typical with oral in general, they murder my appetite no matter how little I eat, unless the food is very sugary, then I can eat whatever it seems.

Be sure to check back in with updated pics. Also are you doing any cardio and taking any supplements for kidney support, such as astragalus root (hope I spelled that right)

Halsey's picture

You butchered asparagus! I'm assuming. Lol

Ells's picture

Good things to know, thank you!
I actually tried to take 5mg in the past few weeks to check above all that I don't have allergies. All went well.
Yep I do some cardio, but no more than 30min 2 x week. I take support for liver (milk thistle, not sure if really can support liver or not, anyway it can’t hurt). Nothing for kidney, I definitely consider it.

Ells's picture

Thank you very much, definitely keep in mind.