Sectore's picture
  • 2

+ 3 T3 bloodwork


Here is the result of my thyroid blood test
6 weeks with Goldenlabs T3 at 50mg per day.

Ordered from: 
GoldenLabs's picture

Thank you for the labs my friend Smile

guidofest's picture

How do you like the feeling on T3? It’s the only compound I’ve never tried.

Sectore's picture

I was on a cycle with trenbolone and I felt that my metabolism was not great. My weight loss was stagnant.

With the T3 Golden I immediately felt my body starting to recover. A lot of sweating and heat.

Coupled with the helios Goldenlabs I lost fat like never before, I finished my cutting 3 weeks early.

T3 can burn muscle, it is to be taken with at least 400mg of testosterone.

The fact that Goldenlabs doses T3 and Clenbuterol correctly is a sign of quality for me.

maddogg's picture

Thanks for testing, don't see many test on that. +

maddogg's picture

Most people say it burns muscle and fat indiscriminately. Do you find you can keep most of it limited to fat loss by doing that?

Superterrorizer's picture

Did you split the dosage and take it twice a day? T3 has life is supposedly very short so I never understood the proper way to take it.

TRTdude's picture

FT3 will drop hard after 4-6hrs, so split it to twice a day. I'd recommend to stay on 0.25mcg for a week though, before upping to twice a day.