juiced86's picture
  • 36

+ 1 Beligas pharma sust


Was given an opportunity to join in on a promo from goroids and decided to try out this brand of sus. My experience with "pharma" has always been hit or miss but im hoping to strike gold with these guys.. packaging is superb as you can tell. Anyone have any experience with this brand they would be willing to share?

Ordered from: 
slowgainz71's picture

Hey @juiced86, can you let us know how was the Beligas sust? Thanks

Jake210's picture

@ juiced86.
How was the Beligas? I’m thinking about ordering some with those promos. I’ve did the Odin brand from same guys and was legit.

DbolAndAll's picture

beligas "pharma" is expensive for what it is, better be worth it tbh

juiced86's picture

I'll let you know.. I'm switching from my prescription test ill notice changes if its trash

Jake210's picture

How was the Beligas? I’m thinking about ordering some with those promos. I’ve did the Odin brand from same guys and was legit.