papa.smurf0311's picture
  • 67

+ 1 TEST 300 / EQ 300 / MASTERON 200 / ANAVAR 50 MG / PROVIRON 50 MG / HGH 4 IU's ED


32 years old, 5'9", 185 lbs as of now, roughly 15% BF, 7th true cycle. last cycle was a test and nandralone cycle and it was very successful. Got up to 193 lbs. This time im trying to get to 200 and then cut back to 190 afterwords. I have Adex, Stane, Caber, HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex on hand. My concern was if the proviron would be needed. most everyone ive discussed this with say it looks pretty solid but I thought I would post here as well. I put adex at .5mg but I will be using it as to how im feeling.

OTC Supplements

creatine, omega 3 fish oil, l arginine, NAC, Super Enzymes, CoQ10, Niacin, Longvida Curcummin, D3, Low dose asprin, multi vitamin, Humanafort, apple cider vinegar.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateBoldenone Drostanolone EAnavar ProvironHGHAdex
1600mg600mg400mg50mg ED50mg ED4IU ED.5mg
2600mg600mg400mg50mg ED50mg ED4IU ED
3600mg600mg400mg50mg ED50mg ED4IU ED.5mg
4600mg600mg400mg50mg ED50mg ED4IU ED
5600mg600mg400mg50mg ED50mg ED4IU ED.5mg
6600mg600mg400mg50mg ED50mg ED4IU ED
7600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED .5mg
8600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED
9600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED.5mg
10600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED
11600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED .5mg
12600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED
13600m600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED.5mg
14600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED
15600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED.5mg
16600mg600mg400mg50mg ED4IU ED
papa.smurf0311's picture

I know I want to keep the GH in the cycle. should I add low dose T3 or T4? and if so, what dosage and timing should I take it? thanks guys.

keithkirby90057's picture

I have to agree with some of the others on this. In my humble opinion you should not need that much gear for someone your size. I just did my 5th cycle of Test 500/ TBOL 50mg/ and Proviron 50 Mg and I went from 190 to almost 210. I'm 5'7 and have a lower Body fat %. I understand everybody has different body structure and genetics and people respond differently to gear. However I feel you could reach your goal with less gear as long as your diet and work outs are on point. Personally I love proviron and feel it goes with Test like Milk and Cookies. Also how does your blood work look? This is just my 2 cents. You know your body best. Either way solid base to work from bro. Nice

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papa.smurf0311's picture

Thank you sir. I honestly believe that I can run this cycle pretty successfully but will absolutely listen to others if they think it may be too much. I wont start this for some months. want it to be more of a winter cycle. I was thinking masteron for the added benefits like the AI properties and hardening agent and its just very mild in general. yes I love proviron too. I usually have it on hand for all cycles. Ill get my blood work done before I start this. Right now Im just cruising on 200 mg test a week with an AI and OTC supplements.

papa.smurf0311's picture

yea sure. my first was test 500 and dbol 40mg a day with proper pct. second was same thing pretty much. third was sust superdrol. my fourth cycle is when i started adding more stuff. i did test 500 primo 400, anavar 60mg clenbuterol. 5th was test 600 and eq 400 with anavar 40mg. now my 6th cycle i did try tren. i did test at only 100 and tren at only 200 with no oral. it was ok but not as successful and my other cycles. i may try tren again later on in the future. my last cycle was pretty good. i did test 600, Deca 400, dbol 40. and i really liked it. i started it at 180 lbs and got to 193-195 lbs with no sides at all. i figured if i kept test at 600 then the volume of the other compounds wouldnt be too much to worry about. masteron isnt the strongest. i was throwing it in for the AI benefits and as a hardening agent.

Johnny Bravo's picture

I have a feeling something is off here. When I joined I had the same stats and was told to get to 200 natural and then we’d talk. With some diet help I was able to do it without gear. I think this may be a problem since you only gained 7 pounds on a test/deca cycle.

papa.smurf0311's picture

totally understand. I could never get to 200 naturally. at least i never was able to. i feel like my diet was on point but who knows. more of a slender build with good genetics to pack on size. i started that cycle at 180 and got to 193-195. i stopped around Feb and went down to 185 because of traveling all over the globe and then covid hit so i stopped eating like i was and the gyms were closed.

Johnny Bravo's picture

I misinterpreted my fault. I thought you meant you went from 185 to 193 which would have been a major red flag. Just know the mind gives out before the body. I started at 130 pounds and got to 200. My mind gave out at 185 when I joined and said I wanted to cycle but my body had more left in the tank than I thought.

papa.smurf0311's picture

yessir. that was a pretty successful cycle with very little sides. I do feel like I could run this cycle and have a solid outcome but I am here to listen to others about it for sure.

Sam I Am's picture

Anavar and provi is gonna kill your lipids.
That’s actually a lot of gear for a guy your size.
I’d wager you could get the same results on a smaller cycle with less sides.

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ECinfidel's picture

This may be a stupid question, but I'm curious as to the science behind this. I'm running 50mg provi now and am planning to finish off w/var. In a few weeks here and dont want any issues. Ive always known both to be pretty mild so didnt anticipate any issues.

papa.smurf0311's picture

I will absolutely drop the proviron if necessary or split the anavar and proviron up. maybe do anvar for the first 7 weeks and proviron the last 7 weeks. I am here to listen to more experienced guys. I mean i do have some experience when it comes to gear and have had very successful cycles but absolutely want to listen to others first.

Sam I Am's picture

Maybe I’m reading this wrong. The title says 300 but the doses are listed at 600.

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papa.smurf0311's picture

sorry. yes its 300 mg per ml but im doing 2 ml per week. i was wondering about the proviron, if i should drop it or not. ive ran test that high before with deca at 400 and was super successful