Dyson87's picture
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+ 4 After prison pic


Was bigger before prison this is me after I got out... Would have been bigger but because of the prison diet it is what it was... Going to hit my third cycle soon will post more pics in three months for progress... This is also befor I had touched gear!!!

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robb's picture

I used to gain weight in prison, the food we get in UK prison is half decent. It's been 15 years so it may of gone down hill. But I doubt it, it improved every time I went back inside.

Seems even on a different continent tuna and noodles is a staple supplement. I used to add sweetcorn too.

Juggernaut_13's picture

I feel you bro it's hard to have a solid diet when your down unless you got enough to Max out on tuna summers etc.

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Dyson87's picture

Tuna and ramen noodles!! Had no com money besides state pay n o e package a month but I was able to stay solid!! I lived off of state food which is 90 percent soy... I'm loving being free and looking forward to trying a third cycle of gear... Respect!!

Mitch77's picture

I think im one of the lucky ones who gained 90 pounds of weight in 4 1/2 years. Most of it pure natural muscle and still visible abs. Went in 180 pounds. Came out 270 pounds. I stopped smoking and paid weekly with tabaco to kitchen workers. They used to bring me extra meat, cheese, boilded eggs and etc daily Smile Gym 5-6 times per week.

press1's picture

Man that really is impressive to gain that amount of weight in a restricted and depressive environment - hell I couldn't get near that with whatever food I desire and using gear Lol

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Dyson87's picture

Thank u very much I worked hard it was my therapy more less... Respect!!

press1's picture

Lol Hey Mate - not discrediting your efforts at all :-) Just a word of advice bud, when you see a comment like mine above where it says @Mitch it means my comment is aimed at him rather than at the forum poster. If you look through them all again you'll see some are responding to you and others are talking to each other directly.

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Dyson87's picture

That's funny I just went threw and re-read some of them thank you again

Dyson87's picture

I'm new to this and trying to catch on lol thank you for letting me know!!

Dyson87's picture

Yes if you want to maintain a weight or go up in weight working in the kitchen is a way to go I love the work outside so I worked long and grounds... Glad to see you're out and still doing good take care of yourself much respect!!

Mitch77's picture

Yes i had a chance working in the kitchen for a couple months before they sacked me. Used to drink up 50 egg whites per day. So the guards realised that so many eggs are missing and they found out it was because of me Smile

press1's picture

LMAO Classic! That is some serious egg white chugging ...

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Dyson87's picture

Good morning!! Yes definitely worked with what I had... Though I must say it felt good looking ok I guess in a depressing place the weights is all I had... Respect!!

Bill1976's picture

I Hated prison food. You couldn’t gain any weight on it. Just shrink. And get cut like crazy. All the shit was made of soy.

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Dyson87's picture

Yea unless you had a fat bank roll in there you are not eatting well at all... And shit not even when your eatting your best in a terrible place like that are you really eating well!!!

House's picture

Welcome. I did a year no that long ago. It sucked. I'm 43. I was in and out when I was younger than stayed out for years. Things have changed. Luckily I had commy every week. So chi chi and honey buns were always in reach. I put on some big time fat with the food they feed ya I looked like shit for awhile I'm just starting to get leaner now. Good luck to ya brother. Stay in your lane!!

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Dyson87's picture

Yes that life sucked though I did learn some really great tips in there when it came to lifting I must say... I loved the Chico sticks cheap n good!! I am doin well and never looking OR GOING BACK!! It made me look at life and appreciate it all that much more... and thank you boss good luck to you in life as well!!!!! Respect!!

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