Bully's picture
  • 44

+ 5 Fighting the odds.


Been quiet lately,but still at it. Main focus last few weeks has been in cardio. I hate that shit lol. But it’s a must and you have to love what you hate. So today’s just another day,full of love and hate. Cycle has been testosterone,npp and HGH. Eating only 1500 calories per day. Trying to get leaner and lighter,more healthy weight. Surprisingly I feel stronger then when I was eating 3000 calories per day. The gear is definitely doing its thing. Will post reviews on these sources soon. Went from 210 lbs to 184 today. Lost lots of body fat,which is my goal.

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shaun1's picture

Amazing work and pure dedication. +2 homie

Owes a Review × 2
Bully's picture


exoticnfit's picture


Bully's picture

Thanks bro.

eighty7's picture

Even Jesus on your arm is looking swole.

Bully's picture

Haha,he has expanded a bit over the years.

Masscheese638's picture

Cardio’s rough brother.

Bully's picture

Yes it is,I used to be a cardio freak when I was doing the MMA thing. But after I stopped doing mma,the cardio stopped lol. Now,trying to get back to it is killer.

333's picture

Lookin huge bro

Bully's picture

Thanks bro,appreciate it.