P4rty's picture
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Prolactin levels


So my buddy said he noticed some lactating issues yesterday morning, I told him to get some caber to control prolactin levels, he’s taking adex .25 2x per week, test E 500 week , mast 400 week, and anavar 50mg per day. Told me he thought he was doing everything right, I told him I would ask on here and get some advice for him. Thanks guys

DfromPhilly's picture

I’ve heard of rare cases of a var causing clear to tanish clear fluid to leak.

Super rare, but I’ve heard of it.

Either way only bloods will tell the story. Don’t just go taking caber willy nilly

stairmaster's picture

++ for everyone who told this guy his friend need bloods first, I can't believe that people try to give others advice regarding prolactine or e2 before they haven't seen their bloods...crazy! You can destroy a lot with wrong AI dosages and especially with Caber!

johnmarshall12's picture

As everyone below has a advised get BLOODWORK! Common sense stuff.

Bill G's picture

Have your buddy make an account so he can ask for him self

notit's picture

This is the only correct answer.

GreatSpear's picture

Before you start randomly stabbing at the issue with drugs you might want to get bloods so you actually know what the issue it. What if his prolactin levels are fine but his e2 is high, now you’re taking a medicine that is going to do nothing for your problem and just cause other issues for you. Or maybe his e2 is tanked from the mast and Adex and the low e2 is causing it. What if it’s something else entirely?

Go get blood drawn and then you have an accurate picture at what is causing your issue instead of blindly throwing drugs at your issue and hoping it fixes it without know what the problem is. No one will be able to give you good advice without know what the actual problem is through bloodwork.

DfromPhilly's picture

Atta boy. You got a damn good head on your shoulder, sir +2