bcndude's picture
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-1 Starting my second cycle


Hi there,

I am about to start my second cycle, after doing a test-e 500mg cycle last year with winstrol for the last few weeks. This year, will be:

Week 1-12, Test-e 250mg (Pharmacom E250)
Week 1-10, Deca 300mg (Alpha Pharma, Nandrobolin 250)
Week 8-12, Anavar 40mg ed (Alpha Pharma, Oxanabol)

I'll be taking Aromasin 12.5mg ed as the AI plus N2Guard for the liver -- may switch to just TUDCA/NAC but thought I'd give that a go to see how it compares to last year.

I know Anavar is a bit light but Winstrol sent my liver readings through the roof last year, so was keen to do something lighter.

I am considering tapering for a few weeks after week 12 and then starting PCT. This would be to avoid going through PCT during August. Any thoughts on this?

As for me, some stats:
181cm, 73kg, bf at 14%. I've been working with a nutritionist for a while now, and lately been on 4500 calories per day but she has adjusted this to 4100 calories training days, 3700 calories on non-training days while on the cycle. My objective is to add lean size. If I finish up on 76-78kg with a lean finish (e.g. abs), I'll be happy.

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robb's picture

That's just the sad face of modern gyms and the typical gym goers. They expect to be ripped in 6 months then blame the mass stack as bunk gear.

Dorian Yates explains intensity far better than I can, if some of these put 50% into how he explains it, it would do them more than the gear they abuse.

press1's picture

Their only interest is to get a semi naked homo picture up onto the internet as fast as possible - you know the type taken after 2 weeks of training under the bright light in the bathroom mirror with a pump on.

They have absolutely no interest in lifting weights or training whatsoever, or reading and researching about the basics of building strength and mass. If you mention the deadlift to them they think you are on about a death on social media...

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Keepmovingforward's picture

Switch up your routine every six weeks. Add more carbs to your morning meals as well as protein. Seems like you’re just relying on the gear to make you big. You’ll blow up on deca but you’ll deflate in post cycle.

bcndude's picture

That’s the thing, I’ve been doing that. Program gets changed every 4-6 weeks and have done the same with a sports nutritionist. Have done so for just over a year. Started with them at 66kg, for reference and last time I weighed in was 74kg (not sure why I said 73).

I’ve been at this for a few years, not really getting so far, which is why I did the cycle last year. That itself got me up to 76 while on it and then 74 a few months after: in terms muscle mass, as it was calculated, I was able to keep it. Gaining since then has been.. well not going to plan, despite keeping on diet, I lost 2kg in March. Of course, I have a small frame, so it’s noticeable.

So basically that’s the backstory. Your right in that u am trying to take a shortcut here. The idea is to level up, and actually try to avoid getting big to just then deflate. I’d rather grow less in relative terms like last year and have it stick.

Appreciate the posts and laughed at a few. Will take the points and work on the diet and routine route some more.

press1's picture

You need to train and stick to the basic heavy movements for a few more years yet - I've seen more muscle on a 15 year old school girl. I can't see any chest mass or anything...

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dextetherdog's picture

It’s really too early to take hormones for you. You would need to maximize your natural potential first and according to the photos above you have done this bit yet.
Whatever weight you are going to put on with the hormones, it will get back to how you look now very fast as soon as you come of the cycle.
Really think you’re going the wrong route to be honest, you have some work to do before you jump on a cycle my friend

bcndude's picture

oh, one last thing to add. despite training for many years, doing Crossfit, etc., at the beginning of last year with a rookie error during deadlifts and aggravated it two months later with squats, causing a protruding disc. The trainer I've been working with since then, has been (rightly so) manic about working out to manage that and so far, perfect, and have returned to being able to do both.

bcndude's picture

Thanks for the comments: and yep, I get it, even I would think the same with those pics. The sad part is, last year doing the cycle I did made all the difference.

Couple of things/follow-up:

  • last year, on 500mg test-e, 3/4 of the 25mg Aromasin tablet and my estrogen was still around 50. This is after trying Arimidex and running into symptoms, so this year just want to get it right from the start but also noted that I needed more than most people were saying to have an effect.

  • my bf swings between 9.5-14%.

  • will increase my test to 400mg the based on the feedback and run the anavar for longer.

  • as for training, program is a mix but always starts heavy to fail with drop-sets etc. Since last year, increased my 1RM by roughly 30%. Always more to do, but still progress.

Appreciate the feedback in any case and would happily reach out to anyone that would offer to validate the training/diet program I have.

robb's picture

They'll be kids all over the world, that do nothing other than press ups in their bedrooms who will look better than this. And your on to your second cycle.
You don't even look like you train. Get real.

monsterD996's picture

Definitely listen to these guys! Plus you'll bottom out your estro with that much aro and such little test man. Looking like you don't even lift in my opinion brother no offense.

GrowMore's picture

Are you sure you’re eating 4,500 caloires mate? How long have you been working out and dieting?

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stairmaster's picture

181cm, 73kg, bf at 14%

Better u start a diet instead a cycle!

  • Test too low, why Deca if u use only 250mg Test /wk.
  • Var too short and too less... you'll notice no effect...
  • Why Aro? AIs only after bloods!
Sam I Am's picture

You've ran a cycle already?
You need to lift a few years first imo.

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