SavageMisfit's picture
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Cycle number one


What’s up guys.
I will be running my first cycle
Been weight training since I was 14, at this point training is part of my lifestyle. My diet is great in my opinion, 6 meals throughout my day. I’m looking to increase my strength and muscle mass more because I feel as progress has slowed down due to my natural potential. I want to go beyond that and maybe some time this year compete in BB.
Currently sitting at 218-220 I fluctuate between those numbers . My body fat is 14%.
I’m deciding to run test e only along with Aromasin to keep E controlled throughout the cycle

I’d like y’alls opinion on it. Suggestions/advice.

500mg of Test E 250 per ml
For 10weeks
Tuesday morning (250)and Thursday night(250) injections.
I’ll start taking 12.5mg of Aromasin at the beginning of week 3 and will take it up to the end of week 12 then start pct week 13-17

PCT: 4 weeks
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Along with a natural test booster

SavageMisfit's picture

Update - Pin schedule is Monday Thursday. I don’t believe I’m sensitive to E side effects so I won’t b running Aromasin during. Week 5 I’m going to get blood work done to see where everything is and then from there decide if I need any Aromasin
PCT is going to remain the same moving it 3-4werks after my last inj
Might add HCG as others have suggested to my pct still researching it. Otherwise my cycle will stay as is also may not run tamoxifen for pct

Bill1976's picture

What’s up? I was natural until last year. I’m 43 years old now. Your going to be amazed what 500 mg of test will do. It’s going to make you feel like Superman. Your going to put muscle on so fast it won’t even believe it. It’s like putting years of training in just a few weeks. You are going to love it. I was blown away by the results. And by your training background you will have everything else in check. Happy pinning. Wait until you see what kind of pump you get!!! Wish I could give advise but I’m new to this game too. I’d rather some of the more experienced guys give it to you. The only thing I can tell you is how to eat and train but looks like you have that down already.

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SavageMisfit's picture

Update .
Just did my first injection today this morning . I got my bloodwork done so I know where I sit for my natural levels however I didn’t get my E work done I just realized as I went over the my results. I guess i forgot to request that. Do y’all think I should go back and get my e checked as well even after my first pin today?

SavageMisfit's picture

Do you believe I should keep the amount of clomid for PCT the same ? Or base it off my last blood test results ?'s picture

you know, I'm probably wrong when I say this. But it seriously feels like all these topics that show up in the cycle section . Are made by the same person over and over and over. Its the same bs quick little responses made by some dude who has an answer for what ever you say. He is gracious to the people who prop em up and a smart ass know it all to anyone who disagrees with him.

I'm sure I am wrong, but it sure feels like the same person.

SavageMisfit's picture

I appreciate all your responses. I am absorbing this all and doing further research on what each of you has said. Thanks everyone

Decatron's picture

Cycle looks good, as others mentioned start PCT on week 14, move pin schedule to Monday and Thursday.

SL's picture

I'd run up to 12 weeks at 500 then start pct week 14 Smile good luck bro keep us posted kill those weights

SL's picture

Well I start after 14 days.. I usually run my test low and I am sensitive to estro so I take nolva after 14 daya.. to each their own Smile

SavageMisfit's picture

Thanks for this brother this was very helpful

Greg's picture

All good stuff but a lot to digest for a first cycle. I agree, he could start his PCT a week or two later.

Drock_357's picture

Agree...once I started to pct after 3wks it went a WHOLE lot easier....all my cycles are test e provi drol, or teste mast provi drol...... when I pct’d after 14 days it was like babysitting my cousins kids, a fu@$in nightmare....waiting the extra days was night and day for me anyways ...

0newheelup's picture

Looks like uve done some research and aren't trying a super stupid stack cycle that ur bro told about. Like everyone has said, bloods are very important. On that same note, imo, I'd say to stay natty, work past ur plateaus, and tweak ur diet. Have u researched the long term effects AAS do to ur endocrine system? U seem like a intelligent young man, so I'm glad ur here asking questions..

Greg's picture

I wouldn't take the Aromasin "just because" keep it on hand, odds are you may not need it.

Righthook is correct, Get bloods as a baseline before you start. You won't know how successful your PCT is without something to compare it to. During tells you how good your gear is (get after about 5-6 weeks). And get bloodwork near the end of your PCT to see how well you're recovering.

johnmarshall12's picture

Cycle looks good overall. Why the day/night injections. On PCT you won't need a Test booster if you use some HCG!

Righthook's picture

Bloods. Get bloods. Before, during and after. If you’re starting this now then you’ll want to know these things especially later down the line when you’re asking yourself “what are my natural levels”

Bill1976's picture

They have a cycle section for questions like this. You are 26 I hope you realize what kind of decision you making. I didn’t start until I was 41. Look at your first shot on Tuesday. That would make your shot on Thursday, two and a half days away. That makes your shot from Thursday to Tuesday four and a half days away. Got to be careful with stuff like this.

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Munchichiman's picture

Looks good but is there a reason you are pinning Tuesday’s and Thursday’s instead of balancing it out say for example Thursday morn and Sunday night

Rubin0621's picture

Sounds like a good first cycle if you ask me, my first years ago was just a basic 500 enanthate/week and had adex on hand but never needed it. Two things, I would say to feel out the usage of the aromasin instead of just starting it at week 3, better yet pull some blood work and see how your doing. Crashing Estro is hell and some ppl don’t need estrogen control on 500, some do and less is better when it comes to that stuff. Also maybe look at extending past 10 weeks I’d say 12-16 if you can. Just my opinions tho.

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