SurfnBird's picture
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3rd Cycle advice welcome*postponed till further notice*


Hello looking for feed back on my third cycle 1st was test only. 2nd test and wisntrol. For my third I was wanting to add in proviron to this stack. I currently have a slightly high body fat at 18% so will be putting off the cycle till I'm at 15% or less. Last Cycle was run in Dec of 2017 to feb 2018. Been lifting consistently since 2013.

I will be using this cycle to put on some solid and keep-able lean muscle mass while cutting a few BF% as well. To boost strength and size I went with Test E and Proviron as a booster, and to stay dry I added winstrol. Will be running AI through out cycle and PCT ready on day one of the cycle.

If more info is needed would be glade to add it. Also if anything dosnt seem right feed back would be appreciated.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateProviron WinstrolAnastrozolNolvadexClomid
banecentral6996's picture

Am I mistaken or is this saying 12 weeks of Winny? If so, fuck that shit. I've only run Winny once and would only run it again if I had to be on stage or some other rare/extreme circumstance. It made me hard as fuck, but I didn't like the joint pain/dryness. I'm not looking for more brittle ligaments and tendons, even if they do get larger in size (this is what happens with Winny). I'm an Anavar guy myself. Have you considered Aromasin(Exemestane) instead of the Adex? A suicide AI is the better choice...'s picture

thats an awful lot of dht, and thats an awful lot of winstrol in general ran for an extended amount of time.

Your wasting your time with winny until you get that body fat down bro, the test and proviron combined with modifying your foods will work wonders dude.

banecentral6996's picture


Tgomilk's picture

This is a diet issue not a need for a cycle. Wake up early, eat like a horse, get 6 meals in with snacks in between. Learn to meal prep days in advance. Makes this so much easier.

Oats and egg, chicken and rice, nonfat plain Greek yogurt with a scoop of zero carb whey, repeat. Easy money

Bearded_muscle's picture

Amen. Something off here. Naturally at your height you should be able to get to 220-230 relatively lean (leaner than you are now). If you’re taking drugs obviously those numbers should be better. Which comes back to your diet and training not being where they should.

Makwa's picture

You are going about this all ass-backwards. You are pretty high bodyfat right now so yes you obviously need to drop that before starting a cycle. 15% is still to high and not much of a drop from where you currently are. Get that into the low teens first. But now that you have cut all that bodyfat you will see that you are pretty light for your height. You have some easy muscle that you can gain with a just a good diet and proper routine. Something isn't going right for you since you have already ran 2 previous cycles but really don't have the stats to show that. I would be curious to know what type of diet (cals/macros) you are running because I think we have to fix that first so you can be set up to run a successful cycle.

SurfnBird's picture

Let me get alot of that info to you after I get off work today.

But previously off the first two cycles I was had achieved 238lbs at 13% BF good strength as well. Bench 280lbs, squat 450lbs and dead lift 450lbs for the 1 rep max.

But went back to school in 2018 for trade skills and had a 40 hour work week and a 40 hour school week which made eating clean and getting crazy workouts in wasn't possible. Unfortunate ate more fast food and did light and short workouts just to stay active.

Kinda thought might be a goo way to jump start everything and get a good recomp in. But I could be wrong thinking that way.

Sam I Am's picture

Your cholesterol is going to be horrible.
Expect your hdl to be dangerously low..

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SurfnBird's picture

That was actually something I was concerned about. From what I was reading on winstrol.

Sam I Am's picture

Proviron does the same. 100 mgs of winny is alot.
I'd be cramped up pretty bad.

Owes a Review × 1
SurfnBird's picture

I'll take that into account. Might get ride of the winstrol all together. Whats your thoughts on just Test and proviron. If you not looking to blow up. Since the test will allow you to bulk slightly and the proviron will help with keeping you dry and increasing the effectiveness of the test as well.

Dr.BroScience's picture

First you must be jacked to the gills if you have been lifting since way back in 201.

Second, your goals are the ole I just want to get in shape cycle or as the kiddies say "recomposition cycle"

It seems to me that if you have truly been lifting since.....way back when....then why are you out of shape with 18% (probably more) bodyfat?

Someone needs to put in a lot more work and resolve in the gym and most especially in the diet department before you even consider using compounds.

SurfnBird's picture

Lol fixed the started lifitng date.

and yes I would agree it was a recomp in style. Not looking to be a mass monster. But just looking to put on 5 or so lbs of lean muscle and increase size and work on cardiovascular a bit.

I also been off on diet and thats mainly because the last year ive been working 40 hours and going to school 40 hours a week so to make life easier I scalled back my lifting and diet to accomedate my busy schedual so ate dirty alot. Currently finished with school and now how time agian to focus on my lifting alot more now.

I do not plan on using anytime soon but there are some killer spring sales right now and wanted to take advantage. Its why I worked on the cycle and nutrition at the same time.

But thanks for the advice will be taking it into concideration