Makwa's picture
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+ 42 I know my TDEE… NOW what do I do with it to get big & NOT fat?


Well, maybe you don’t know your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) or caloric needs, so here is link to figure it out:

When you are trying to put on some quality muscle it is a pretty well known fact that you have to eat a surplus of calories. Eat more calories than your TDEE and you WILL gain weight. They key to this is gaining the maximum amount of muscle and minimum amount of fat. So the traditional way to do this is typically eat 500+ cals above your TDEE and boom!! Weight gain. The problem with doing it this way is if you are continually eating the same amount of calories above your TDEE you are either going to gain too much unwanted fat or hit a plateau and stop gaining. The reason you may be hitting a plateau is that after a while of eating like this (it may take a few weeks or a few months) your metabolism is going to adjust and you will just be burning all the calories you consume with none left over to grow.

This is the best way that I have found so far to keep the excess fat off and avoid plateaus while gaining muscle at a steady rate. The whole idea behind this is to cycle your calories on a weekly progression. By slowly cycling and increasing your calories each week, you are supplying your body with the surplus of calories it needs to grow but you are not overloading it so much that you start to gain unwanted fat. Here is how it works using my TDEE as an example (adjust accordingly for your TDEE):

My TDEE is 2500cal/day. At the start of every month I consume my TDEE for the first week. The following week I up the calories by 250/day. The third week my calories will be 500 above TDEE and the final week of the month my calories will be 750 above my TDEE. Then at the start of the second month I will readjust my calories to my new lean body mass and start the same progression over again at my new TDEE. So it looks like this:

Week 1 TDEE (2500 cal)
Week 2 2500 + 250 = 2750 cal/day
Week 3 2500 + 500 = 3000 cal/day
Week 4 2500 + 750 = 3250 cal/day
Week 5 recalculate TDEE
week 6 New TDEE + 250 cal/day
Week 7 New TDEE + 500/day

If you are not happy with how much weight you gained after the first month cycle (not gaining fast enough), add an EXTRA 250 calories on top of your new TDEE for the following month and continue with the progression. This should really pile the weight on. If you are getting close to the weight you would like to be or if you noticed you gained more fat than you wanted, just go back to the normal progression. You are supplying your body with the surplus of calories it needs to gain mass with this protocol but not too much so you don't gain any unnecessary fat. The real key to this is dropping your calories back to down to your new TDEE for the start of the new month. This helps to shock your metabolism and keep it revved up.

Where this type of diet cycling really shines is if you are also following a weekly progressive overload training routine. As your weekly training demands are increasing, you are also increasing your calories to match your increased training level and subsequent demand for additional calories.

Ironically, this diet cycling can also be used to lose weight even though for most of it you are consuming above your TDEE. By feeding your body more calories than it needs, you are preventing your metabolism from shutting down and keeping it in high gear. Here is how you do it. On the start of your second month, drop your calories to 250 BELOW your new TDEE and then continue with the progression. The 1,000 calorie drop from week 4 to the next week is where you will see the fat melt away.

Whether bulking or cutting I recommend that protein should be a minimum of 1.5 grams/lb. My macro split is usually around 45/35/20 Protein/carbs/Fat

I have been following this cycle diet for the last 2 months and I have gained 6lbs of lean mass and dropped my body fat from 12.5% to 11.3%. All of this has been without the use of any AAS or fat burners. Hopefully you guys (and girls) can give this a shot and give some feedback on your results too.

fusebox's picture

Bump. Back at it again. Been so long I gotta refresh myself on some stuff

Makwa's picture


Makwa's picture

This is how I would run it if doing it for a serious cut. If looking for more of a recomp/cut then after wk 5 instead of keeping on reducing cals you would go back to wk 1 and repeat the cycle.

Wk 2 TDEE +250
3 TDEE +500
4 TDEE + 750
5 TDEE - 250
6 TDEE -500
7 TDEE - 750
8 TDEE + 250
Then keep repeating wks 5-8 until desired body comp is reached. This kind of a bastardized cyclic cut but is very effective in keeping the metabo revved up and burning preferentially fat.

Protein4breakfast's picture

Great post brother

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Makwa's picture

For simplicities sake here, I would just maintain the same intake for non-training days. Recently I have began tracking my daily calorie burn with my new fitness watch and have been adjusting cals on a daily basis based on that which has been very effective. Either way will produce results.

Johnny Bravo's picture

I see that it’s recommended to start the progression with my TDEE but what if I’m coming out of a cut? For example, my TDEE is between 3000-3300 cal daily but since I’m coming out of a cut my starting calories are only 2250. Wouldn’t the initial shock of 750 more calories from to 3000 b too much? Or should I start with 250 cal over what I’m eating now?

The reason I’m asking is because I upped my volume and am doing leg specialization and I’ve never been so hungry with only a 250 cal increase. But I’m concerned that’s not enough to grow since I’m more hungry now than ever while cutting. I’m also concerned going straight up 750 calories will put on too much fat if my body doesn’t adapt quick enough.

Anyone it any experience with diet during transition phase?

Makwa's picture

Your body is primed for bulk when coming out of a cut. Nutrient partitioning should be off the charts after a cut and now with lower body fat. Skimp on calories now and you are blowing an opportunity for significant gains. If your TDEE is 3000-3300 cals I would be starting out at close to 4K right off the bat. Wasted opportunity othwerwise. You are doing more of a cyclic bulking approach when coming out of a cut so hit the cals hard right away for a couple of weeks and then go back to the calorie progression routine i have outlined here.

DfromPhilly's picture

I’m far from a diet expert, but in my experience coming out of a cut is the best time to bulk. Especially if it was a long one with carbs complex and on the low side, Insulin sensitivity should be at its best and muscle tissue should be super begging for nutrients. Making fat gain minimum to almost none for the first couple weeks.

Especially if you upped your volume drastically, that means you upped your TDEE, so that 250 cals may not even cover the increase to your TDEE if you’ve upped volume that much.

I’d readjust TDEE, and go right into the bulk as Makwa described above, and a If for some reason you think fat comes on too fast in the beginning, you can always dial back and adjust.

at minimum I’d go right to maintenance and test my new TDEE. The calculator is a good starting point but varies from person to person. Maintenance is maintenance for a reason. Whether it’s a drastic increase from where you are currently or not, you should maintain where you are Physique wise at maintenance. That’s why they call it maintenance. You know?

That being said everyone is different, and if you know you respond better to a slow increase maybe up your cals 250 every 3-4 days until you’re at your maintenance or bulk cals.

Johnny Bravo's picture

Thanks for the input. I tried upping them only 250 at first from where I was at the end of my cut while upping volume and I’ve never been so hungry. I started tapering them up towards my maintainence because of the hunger. I just wanted to make sure I’m not gonna overload it and put the fat right back on or the opposite and just not grow while that’s my current goal. I’m gonna set it at maintenance (750) above what I was eating and see how it goes

Makwa's picture

Those are two different protocols for gaining muscle and limiting fat. Can't combine them. Two different ways for you to experiment with to see what works best for you when trying to gain mass. Lately I have been using the bulk/mini cut approach when on cycle. This gives me the freedom to continue on the bulking phase portion for quite an extended time due to the effect of the AAS. I could get in say 8+ wks before doing a short mini-cut to reset. Gives me an extended time on high cals for superior growth. Both approaches work, just try them both and see what one you like.

As far as where to increase cals, that is pretty much up to you. I'll usually try to stay with my macro split when adding cals. So if my macros are 40/40/20 that is how I will divey up cals as I am increasing. If you want to just bump up carbs or protein I really don't see a problem with that either.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Awesome post bro

Owes a Review × 1
TheBlackKnight's picture

Going to modify this for myself for my next recomp, without a doubt a great recomp diet

Droid2017's picture

The BEST ever I have read on TDEE, macros and adjustments for bulking/cutting. Thanks!!

madman's picture

Awesome post Makwa!!! Great link you provided us with.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Never caught this post back when you posted it until I saw your link on another thread. Golden info here makwa. Great stuff +1

In a promo × 1
Nova9's picture

This guy knows his shit! Thanks MAKWA!

here to learn's picture

Makwa strikes again! Extremely valuable post, marking for my favs folder. Really appreciate you taking the time to share and explain. Makes a ton of sense. Any suggestion on some good reads for Carb Cycling? I have my own way of going about it but know it could use some fine tuning.

Thanks again.

Makwa's picture

You know what, carb cycling is something that I am somewhat unfamiliar with unfortunately. I have done pretty well cycling calories for the most part. I do think for this next upcoming prep diet that I will be doing I will be incorporating more carb cycling. I have usually just slowly cut carbs as needed to keep weight loss consistant but I want to try more a carb cycling approach also this go around. So, I am also on the hunt for some carb cycling knowledge.

Dacky's picture

I have incorporated carb cycling when I had a lot of fat and weight to loose. I found it pretty effective. It dropped me from anout 95kg at 20%BF down to 83kg and 11% at one point. Took it too low in the end but putting some quality mass back on using your advise (cyclical bulking) was awesome. Basically at the end I was running in a deficit of around 2200 calories per day. For 4 days a week I was on 200g protein, 130g carbs and 85g fat. For 2 days (leg days for me) I was on 200g protein, 200g carbs and 65g fat. I had a refeed one day a week of 180g protein 400g carbs and 45g fat. Diet was very clean. I dropped to these calories (started around 3100 calories per day) and macros mainly by cutting carbs and some fat. I started around 220g of protein so didn't cut much from this.

Lately oven been researching the Ultimate Diet 2.0 by Lyle McDonald. The link to this book can be found in this post - Basically it is a pretty extreme form of carb cycling which is meant to be very effective for dropping body fat and maintaining muscle mass. The "science" sounds interesting enough and a couple of natty body builders I know swear by this. I'm going to give it a try for 5/6 weeks at the start of Feb once my PCT is well over.

here to learn's picture

Thanks for sharing the details. Will plan on looking into this book and look forward to hearing the details of your experience with it. Much appreciated.

Dacky's picture

You were looking for more info on carb cycling.Take a look at KAPSIZE's reply in the following forum post for an excellent practical description of how to set-up a carb cycling plan for a cut -

here to learn's picture

Thanks for the feedback, please let me know if you come across anything you find promising. Calculating all of my calorie projections for my upcoming Cycle based on your suggested layout here, thanks in advance for the many additional lean gains to come!

Redsand22's picture

After seeing this, I switched up my cycle up to this theory. I've been almost one week on it, will bump up the add'l 250 Monday and will continue to report back as my cycle goes. For misc info I was at 160 before I started this, as of today I'm at 167. My wife commented on the size of my arms last night so there must be noticeable difference.

Makwa's picture

If anyone has followed this protocol, could you give a recap whether or not it worked for you.

pege's picture

Good post ,+1

keola44's picture

Awesome! Thank you bro

Makwa's picture

I had a couple of people mention to me that the TDEE calculator wasn't working so I have updated it with a new link.

WINNING's picture

Awesome post and great read+1

Green Ranger's picture

Great read thanks for sharing this strategy makwa.

wolverinewannabe's picture

Thank you makwa! I needed this info! Rusty was just tellin me I need to hit you up! I fuckin LOVE fuckin eroids!!!

Makwa's picture

The program is working pretty good for me. Dropped 3.5% BF and gained over 6lbs of lean mass over the last 3 months, WITHOUT any AAS. That would be an impressive recomp for even an actual cycle so I am looking forward to what I can do with that diet program once I am on cycle.

Judd79's picture

Thanks for the link, i was following already this way to lean bulk, now i'm sure i don't need to go for the 4000/5000 kcals as many say to be best for a bulk ( maybe it is but not for a LEAN bulk ) +1

MONK's picture

Awesome post +1

cavtroopgymhead's picture

Great Stuff!! Lean, Mean, Fighting Machine!!

oldhead73's picture

This is great! I am going to give it a try my next bulk..

redNblue's picture

What is your strategy when or if you were to take a week off for example, just stay at your bmr all week ?

Makwa's picture

That is what I would do. Doing it that way you should be able to maintain your current weight until you are ready to go again.

redNblue's picture

Makes a whole lot of sense mate, cheers.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

This is awesome thanks a lot!

bosuj's picture

its says i burn 38 calories a day lol don't think thats right

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

lol. I think you entered something wrong.

bosuj's picture

gender: male
age: 26
height: 5'11"
weight: 227
extremely active

says i burn 38 calories a day idk lol

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

I just entered your info and your BMR is 3,864 cals. If more people are having a problem with the link I'll put a new one up.