steroids4ucom's picture
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Steroids Augment The Growth Of Bone And Muscle Tissues For A Well -Toned Body


Steroids are mostly used by athletes, bodybuilders and weightlifters to enhance their performance within a short span of time. It improves their stamina and endurance and contributes to muscle growth. These drugs work like a dream for sportspersons. There are numerous ways to take steroids: orally, in the form of injections or through skin patches, which slowly releases the medicine in blood through the skin. One can easily buy steroids online in UK from reliable medicine stores.

Dr.BroScience's picture


Goose24's picture

They don't sell roids here buddy. They sell massage oil here... may I recommend the red one.

tattoofreak's picture

The thai masseuse included? Or just the oils?

Goose24's picture

Last I knew it was buy two get one masseuse free.

tattoofreak's picture

Dammit... i have to jump in, if the promo's still running

tattoofreak's picture

Thx for the explanation and now go and fuck yourself!!! Nobody here will buy anything from you...