Austin2200's picture
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4th cycle Test (500)


Im looking for help in creating a cycle. I just turned 25 in june and I would like to step my game up again with a TEST only cycle. I have done 3 cycles in the past, my first was when I was 18, and 2 more following shortly after. It has been over 2 years+ since my last cycle.

Cycle History:
1st: Test 400 (12 weeks)
2nd: Test 400 - dbol 25mg first 4 weeks (12 weeks)
3rd: Test 500 - Deca 250 (12 weeks)

For my next cycle I have no interest in doing any injectable other than test, I am however open to a oral kickstarter for the first few weeks.

My goal is to just take TEST (500) and an oral to help me CUT my weight from 203lbs down to the 190's. I have been cutting for the past month and will continue to cut throughout the cycle.

Can someone give me some insight as to which TEST to use and possibly which oral to use for cutting? if recommended? I work as a software developer so I am sitting for 8 hours a day, However I am extremely active once the work day is done, I have been doing cardio 2ce a day as well as weight training to make sure my weight goes down.

Can someone recomend the correct amount of arimidex-nolvadex

WeekTestosterone EnanthateArimidex
2500mg.25mg EOD
3500mg.25mg EOD
4500mg.25mg EOD
5500mg.25mg EOD
6500mg.25mg EOD
7500mg.25mg EOD
8500mg.25mg EOD
9500mg.25mg EOD
10500mg.25mg EOD
11500mg.25mg EOD
12500mg.25mg EOD
Makwa's picture

Just looking to drop about 10lbs? Unless you are sitting under 10-12% BF there is no need for a cycle to do that. What is your current BF? Steroids aren't fat burners if that is what you are thinking.

Austin2200's picture

Im not looking to just drop weight. Im looking to gain lean muscle while loosing BF. Im perfectly ok with going up in weight. I just dont want to go up by that much. I figured if Im 200 and I do this test cycle properly with a strict Diet. I can still lean out while staying under 210. I would say staying under 210 while on this cycle is the goal

Makwa's picture

Im looking to gain lean muscle while loosing BF.

Need to pick one or the other. Trying to do both will get pretty much get you nowhere. I'll throw this out there again, chase two squirrels at the same time and you won't catch either one.

press1's picture

Great saying - never heard that one before! lol

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Mrcoolbeans's picture

Don’t know how many people and clients come at me with that shit lmao.
Like I’m 220lbs and wanna cut 20lbs and gain muscle.... like huh. Or i wanna turn my fat into muscle lmao....

Immortaltech's picture

It is possible to lose bodyfat, while maintaining weight on caloric surplus tho, but it all depends on diet

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Austin2200's picture


Austin2200's picture

I will change it to 12 weeks. Thank you for the quick response. Yes I recently tested my blood and heart conditions with my doctor and everything looks good. The only concern I have is atm my nipples are just alittle puffy. I understand that this will someone go away once I begin the arimidex. My PCT would be the basic clomid/nolvadex combo. Would you suggest any oral for fat loss during this cycle? I have done some research and some people are saying that GW ("sarm") may be good to take during the entire cycle. Also, Is Test C going to be my best bet? Im not worried about getting drug tested or anything. Would you recommend a certain type of test?

Makwa's picture

The only concern I have is atm my nipples are just alittle puffy. I understand that this will someone go away once I begin the arimidex.

Already started cycle?

Austin2200's picture

No, I wont start this cycle for another month or so. I want to bring my body fat % down alittle more before I start

Austin2200's picture

I dont remember the blood readings, the doctor told me everything was totally normal. I saw him last roughly 4 weeks ago.

I wouldn't get another blood test until after the 12 weeks as I already consulted with my doctor and told him I would check back in after. However if I felt the need to get the test, of course I would go to the doctor immediately. Im not on anything currently. I haven't taken anything in 2 years.

I am trying to research a few different fat loss oral options. One popular option I am seeing is called
GW 501516 (Cardarine)

Sam I Am's picture

Exactly my thoughts.

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