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Cut Cycle / Spring 2018


Hola brothers!

My main goal of this cycle was to simply cut BF%
Which I have at this point cut right at 3%! Which I’m very happy with given I’m only at week five(5) now.
Had some extra bulk weight to burn through after that cold winter/ comfort food months haha

So I kicked this cycle off trying out a new source AND a line of oils I hadn’t tried before either AnabolicsFast - (Bomblabs Oils)
I have been very impressed by the level of customer service they provide. The T/A was insane for an international source!
I truly mean insane! Seven(7) CALENDAR days from the pickup of funds, that’s quicker than most domestic sources here. Needless to say I will be using this source again in the future.

So now let’s get down to what’s really important... the quality of products: like I mentioned, this was my first run with Bomblabs line. I ran the Cut Stack 150 and an additional 150 mg/week of test prop for the first 20 days.

Within 3 days my libido had increased significantly, and within 5-6 days my forehead and nose were producing as much oil as a papa johns pizza. Total strength increase is up roughly in the range of +10-15% which I’m happy with given I only on week five.

I’ve read mixed reviews on Bomb Labs but I’m glad I at least tried them, maybe not the best oils I’ve ever had, but I don’t think they’re under dosed as many have said given the sides and strength increase I’ve experienced, but I would need to check bloods.
But how can you say no to the price he has them at?

You will notice I switched from Aromasin to Arimidex after two weeks, I ordered both just to try this again... but for some reason Aromasin always leads me to an E crash? I’ve altered the dosage so many times and it never works. Would love to hear from some of you guys on that... but anyways that’s why you’ll see the switch

All in all I think it’s a great line to at least try

WeekCut Stack (Test P, Mast P, Tren A)PregnylAromasinArimidexTest P
1200/200/200750UI37.5mg 150
2200/200/200750UI37.5mg / 12.5 X 3150
3200/200/200750UI2mg / .5 X 3150
4200/200/200750UI2mg / .5 X 3
5200/200/200750UI2mg / .5 X 3
Makwa's picture

Sounds like a review and not really a cycle log that we can help you tweak since you are already balls deep into the cycle. 3% drop in bodyfat in 5 weeks is not that great unless you were starting out at 8%. You might need to tighten up the diet a bit.

Slayed's picture

Yea I got wordy... I was writing a review on his page this morning too and I overflowed I guess. My bad.
My diet is pretty strict. Chicken, salmon and cod throughout the week. Red meat once a week. And I mix vegetables up each week (asparagus/broc/Brussels sprouts) with either brown rice or quinoa and red potatoes or a single sweet potato
I started right at 14% and am now just a hair under 11% and gained 7lbs with minimal cardio.
I going to try and tighten up over the next 5weeks though I’ll report back... Swole’s pack landed today abt 2 hours after I wrote this so I’m stoked to be getting back to his oils! Will be running his anavar and short cut mix 200

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

My main goal of this cycle was to simply cut BF%

Honestly bro, if that's all you're wanting to accomplish is reduced BF%, your goals can be reached with just proper diet and exercise/cardio. You don't need to take drugs to lose weight, you need to eat correctly and burn more energy than you're bringing in,

Slayed's picture

Well gaining LBM should be a constant goal for the majority of us... why I put “Main” goal. Just trying to shed as much as I can from this past bulk before the old lady and I go on this trip in April.
I did gain 7.3lbs thus far while reducing bf so I’m happy with the progress
I am going to tighten up my cardio over the second half of this cycle though and I’ll report back.
Second half is going to be on Swole’s gear (short cut mix 200 and his anavar)
Appreciate you brother!

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

7.3lbs thus far while reducing bf

Awesome, good work. Have you used Trenbolone before? It's been known to really hider some users cardio capabilities, making it that much harder to burn those calories.

I don't think we're allowed to discuss Source/Lab Names in the forums.

So you dropped 3%BF? What percentage would you guess you're at now? I've read Masterone is far more effective when the user is already at a low Body Fat Percentage.

What dosage will you be running the Anavar at?

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Taten's picture

masteron will show more gains at a lower bf because it lowers estro which helps u drop subq water. Masteron also increases lypolysis from what i read.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Yeah that’s not true. Being a DHT it does have some anti estrogenic properties but in no way shape or form does masteron increase “lipolysis”. No more than any other androgen anyway.

IrishMack's picture

Sounds like he really got a lot out of this cycle. I wonder if the OP will post a pic of himself besides all the gear?

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