DivineH's picture
  • 0

anavar promo got stepped on by an elepthant:)


well the pics are terrible.plz try to enlarge them if u can so u can see the var is pretty much smashed.its a promo i get it but still i contacted the srs about it.

Ordered from: 
stairmaster's picture


Gigel's picture

It's because Dragon packs pills in small pouches. It's going to happen anyways if they are not carried with special attention.

rabbitman's picture

i’ve noticed anything i order if shipped in mailers they are always crush, usps must have gorillas running machines. sorry about that dude

rabbitman's picture

yeah not getting i too deep about how this are packed but automated machines seem to always do this if not packaged right, pisses me off i’ve had it several times

rabbitman's picture

part of it i’ve found and u already know brother, hope all is well on your end big D-man!!!

BreakingBarriers's picture

I've never used DP orals. Is it common to have such inconsistency in the tablets?

Bearded_muscle's picture

This is not typical, their aro and their provi have both been perfectly pressed in the past.

RangerVet's picture

Seriously somebody tried the old...look you can run over that shit with a car tire it's so good test..and failed

herpjunkie111's picture

Yeah, looks like they got the same results Kip did in Napoleon Dynamite.....

herpjunkie111's picture

Sucks man. I ordered orals too, all Bayer proviron, I might be in the same boat as you. Find out in a few days I guess....

lethaltradeindustries's picture

I feel this is unacceptable. Granted a source may not have control over how they receive gear from suppliers or what happens while in transit, however a promo is an opportunity to showcase not only a products strength, but its presentation. Perhaps the source knows about this and that's why they were included in the promo. Freebies to drive traffic to their site.

Just my take on it