Dominick77's picture
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DEA assisted by Thai customs....busts Texas middle school teacher for 40ml!


press1's picture

I'm guessing they wanted to make more of an example of him being a teacher and also an athletics coach? How would we know if we are going to be receiving gear shipped from Thailand then - just previous history or word of mouth I take it?

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Mike1010220's picture

Yeah, I think the guy should be arrested since he didn’t order any AI, Caber or PCT…lol

Goose24's picture

I tried to tell people about this almost a year ago. Customs is informing local DEA agents about what are in packages they confiscated. If you're still ordering from overseas you're essentially playing Russian roulette. Stay safe guys! Smile

Gettingbig's picture

Thats just stupid there are cartels getting kgs of opioids across the boarder and there cherry picking individual users. He just wanted to use some gear unless he was selling there is no reason for this he isn't hurting anyone but himself if thats even happening.

Steveking1980's picture

You're so right..on all comments. Let us play!!

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pokeyrider1's picture

Articles like this kill me. Its like someone wants a pat on the back for busting someone no matter how big or small. Its a good thing they didn't have a loaded syringe!!

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

It contained four 10-milliliter vials of injectable steroids – 1 x trenbolone enanthate, 1 x micronized stanozolol, 1 x testosterone enanthate and 1 x nandrolone decanoate.

Holy shit! I'm glad they got this monster off the streets!

....... WTF are they wasting money on small stuff like this?

PPGfreak's picture

I definitely don’t think this is newsworthy because it’s nothing big. Most people keep 10 to 20 times that just in their stash.

On top of that Thailand is a non-extradition country and they are not friendly with the United States. That being said you could be wanted for rape or murder in the United States and walk around with your passport openly in the country and they will not send you back. They do not extradite to other countries and specially not to the US. So clearly, someone had piss someone off because they just want to screw the guy over. Either way, it’s not newsworthy being that it’s $50 worth.

i20bpm's picture

That article was dated a year ago, second one was from May of last year

DBG's picture

goddamn....and this guy is def small potatoes
WTF for real...

daksmack's picture

Wtf is this world coming too

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lethaltradeindustries's picture


333's picture

I wish they would just legalize this shit and tax us for it everyone knows everything is just all about money they don't care about our health just make it legal after the age of 25 they already have safe injection sites for heroin addicts

Dr.BroScience's picture

Your tax dollars at work.

stairmaster's picture


IrishWOLFhound's picture

Poor guy couldn't even run a proper cycle with 4 vials and he gets busted