Pinning85's picture
  • 90

+ 1 BMI test . Legit?


How accurate do you guys think these are ? Wanting to stay around (at least ) 18% body fat while bulking this winter . Trying to hit 285 and then start cutting mid spring . I'm not sure I can rely on this machine though .

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SuperMax's picture

Cheapest & still a very effective way to quantify your bf% is pinch test average.
Get some calipers & do a little math.
Those scales are complete bull shit!! The science behind them sounds like it should work but in actuality it’s completely inaccurate

DragonDog's picture

A scale is not likely to be very accurate. My scale was saying 18% when I was actually 6%. If you neally need to know, find a place using BOD Pod or hydrostatic weighing.

Pinning85's picture

Thanks for the input man . I'll look into it

rageracing's picture

Put up a self shot

Pinning85's picture

I will end of next week . A before and mid cycle shot.