808PharmaSwole's picture
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If you're thinking of coming here, DONT. fuck the politicians here. the cost of living is outrageous. we have a rail system on a fucking island that is costing us billions. Just fuck this place. straight to hell

Daylightdriller's picture

Damn you just ruined hawaii for me. I was wanting to retire there. I know the cost of living is extreme but never would have thought the unions were that big over there. Guess Ill go plan b- grand cayman

Greg's picture

Trick is, live in the expensive place, retire in a cheaper place...

Pale's picture

The price of paradise bro

808PharmaSwole's picture

Overpriced. The unions (I'm a glazier) run everything out here. That's why shit cost too damn much. I wanna move out to the states and bring the family but I have no clue where to go.

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