Repstodeath's picture
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2nd cycle


My 2nd cycle is going very well. I'm learning more about how I respond to different things. My first cycle was just Test E at 500/week for 12 weeks. I loved it other than the water and fat I picked up. I reworked my diet this cycle and I'm much happier. I started with 30mg of dbol prewotkout and 500 Test E/week. Did the dbol for 4weeks. I was aware of the potential water and fat build up so I kept my carbs at around 1.5grams per lb of body weight. Protein at 2grams per pound and fat at .75. Great results! Strength and size have shot up while keeping the water and fat under control. I'm on week 9 right now with 400 test E/week and 300 test P/week. I've found my body responds better to the short ester. I'm having a blast! Cheers!

Repstodeath's picture

What would you recommend? I didn't think anything was wrong with my pct. Its the same thing I ran last time and it worked great.

TheLeftHand's picture

This is some stupid shit. I can see running prop last couple weeks on its own before starting pct. Starting off slow acting esters only to run prop along side of test e. Can only imagine the pinning schedule. Der....700 mg working better than 500 when I hit myself with 300 mg fast acting ester mid cycle. Troll or mentally challenged?

Repstodeath's picture

Learning. Thanks.

TheLeftHand's picture

Awe, you did handle that very nicely.Now I feel a little bad for being mean, but you should have learned a lot more before your first cycle. Learning as you go can fuck you up in so many ways. So maybe not a troll after all, just inexperienced. So, I'm a little afraid to ask but, what is your plan for pct? Have you gotten blood-work? Do you have an a.i. on hand in case of estrogen gets too high (which you would know if you have gotten blood-work)? Keeping an eye on BP?

Repstodeath's picture

Pct will be clomid 100 100 75 50. I have anastrozol on hand. I check blood pressure daily. Not because I'm worried but just as good practice. I take very good care of myself. Honestly I don't think 700 test a week is an astronomical amount. I have no interest in going any higher trust me. I've found what works so I'm not changing anything any time soon.

Repstodeath's picture

Much appreciated! I'll do some research on those right now. Like I said I'm just doing what I know works for now. I've really only increased my cycle by 200mg when the dust all settles. I really don't think I'm doing anything extravagant. Any other pointers you got I'm all ears. Cheers!

Repstodeath's picture

Thanks! Your insight helps! My next cycle won't be till around August or September but I'll definitely post it before I start to get feedback.

helloBrooklyn's picture

The only dumb thing I saw was the introduction of prop for no reason. Not even to taper just straight up throwing it in there lol. Other than that, yeah. +1 to offset the neg. Not sure what that's about

TheLeftHand's picture

I don't think it's an astronomical amount either, but 700 test e (350 x2) or test prop (100 x7) makes much more sense. Even if you do prop eod, you're pinning schedule has to be wacky. Your clomid dosage is a bit unusual but should do the trick, might want to consider nolva as well.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Bear in mind that blood levels will be considerably higher with the prop at the same dosage because of the mass of the respective esters.

TheLeftHand's picture

I meant not astronomical if he ran 700 just test e or p one or the other. He definitely hit a nice spike when he introduced the p in this scenario. I know due to ester weight prop has a little more test per volume. Would matter more if he actually switched right over to prop only from e. Imagine that?

Repstodeath's picture

Never thought of that pin schedule, thanks. Yeah that's the pct I did my first cycle and it worked great. I took 4 months off before starting this cycle.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Nice to see you can handle criticism with grace

helloBrooklyn's picture

Impossible to say you respond better to test prop than test e since both are being ran alongside one another. You jacked your test dose way up when you introduced the prop, regardless of the esters. Of course you're noticing a response.

I'm having a blast

Interesting choice of words.

Repstodeath's picture

I didn't start it at the end. I started it at week 6. The dose seems to be perfect.

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