thomas33's picture
  • 49

+ 2 100 dianabol 20mg


100 pills 20 mg.
Cant wait to get started.

Ordered from: 
shaun1's picture

How you like DP's dbol. Im running a top sources dbol right now at 40mgs ed and im really liking it besides the headaches I get from it. Keeps us filled in and enjoy +

Owes a Review × 2
thomas33's picture

I had to drop it down from 30mg ed to 20 ed.

RickRock1086's picture

Good ole Dbol... used to love that stuff very first cycle was Russian Dbol & Test E, just may sure you have AI on hand because this stuff will give you boobies

thomas33's picture

I got plenty of letro

thomas33's picture

20mg a day. For kick start. Thinking bout taking half a pill in the morning n the other half later in the day. Im just gonna run it for 30 days

thomas33's picture

Fuck it. Ima just start at 30mg and see how that does.

thomas33's picture

I was thinking 30mg. But ima see how 20mg does first.