GrowMore's picture
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Musclehead320 gets arrested.


jrod91384's picture


Livelife76's picture

Damn not going to lie I followed him on IG, post some funny memes on juice... But as Nate Diaz says, "I'm not surprised mother fuckers!"

Banana Ben's picture

Good, he's a fcking idiot and brought this upon himself for thinking he was amazing.

Constantly bragging how untouchable he is, and where is he now?

I thought he was an expert on the law and knew he couldn't be touched, at least that is what he was constantly claiming and bragging.
Expert on the law, just an expert on being a dickhead.

CBBurrr's picture

musclehead320 said: ↑
locked up. Lol steroids where I live are a mister meaner . maybe a fine. If they wanted to waste tax payers money to hunt down a steroid user highly dought it. Not only that every cop in my city uses juice and we all inject each others asses after we fuck your mom

RN's picture

Lol. Mister Meaner caught my eye too...brilliance , no "dought" lol...

Getbig024's picture

Yeah personal use but this guy was buying powders cooking it and selling it across the United States and pretty much promoting the crap out of it on social media. Kinda like that idiot drug dealer from high school promoting himself on Facebook haha

daksmack's picture

Reminds of the jersey shore trash. What a loser.

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333's picture

That's what you get when you post gear 24/7 on Instagram

RickRock1086's picture

Who the fuck is that guy? With Connor McGregor voice!

Livelife76's picture

Lol Noice

TrenAllDay's picture

Too bad, pretty funny dude

Livelife76's picture

Is a funny fucker just got too loud with his business

pharmabruh's picture

This is a pretty interesting story. Almost all my liftying buddies followed him on Instagram

GrowMore's picture

I liked the fella in all seriousness. Great physic.

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pharmabruh's picture

True that man! He was pretty funny and gave some solid information from time to time

GrowMore's picture

Sometimes you've got to take the rough with the smooth

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pharmabruh's picture

That's right man!