SuperMaroid's picture
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+ 1 iFit Test Cyp + Deca Cycle


This is my first log here and my first time trying iFit. I will be doing a simple Test and Deca cycle. And I will be running iFit Aromasin as my AI. And I will be taking HCG. No PCT because I blast and cruise.

My stats:

My cycle:
iFit Test Cyp 250mg Monday and Thursday.
iFit Deca 175mg Monday and Thursday
iFit Aromasin 10mg everyday
HCG 250iu Tuesday and Friday

My diet:
~4,000 calories a day
~350g of carbs a day
~200g of protein a day

Gym routine:

My goal this cycle:
Hit 220lb and keep my bodyfat at 13%

WeekTest CypDecaAromasinHCG
1500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
2500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
3500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
4500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
5500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
6500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
7500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
8500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
9500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
10500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
11500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
12500mg350mg10mg ed500iu
13500mg10mg ed500iu
14500mg10mg ed500iu
BootyGear's picture

No caber or prami?

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SuperMaroid's picture

Have caber on hand if needed but I'm not that prone to prolactin

grimmz352's picture

So you eat 200grams of fat a day?

SuperMaroid's picture

Around 130g of fat. My meals consist of eggs, waffles, oatmeal, chicken, pasta, rice, beans, mcdonalds, steak, corn, cream spinach, broccoli, and ice cream. I have a really fast metabolism and can get away with cheat meals. But I eat pretty clean for the most part. Working my way to 250lb

IrishMack's picture

Definitely sounds like a competitors diet right there. Just be honest because you only lie to yourself. Even competitors dont blast and cruise, I know plenty of them that take time off. But its your life and we try to teach the right way to do shit.

SuperMaroid's picture

Havnt lied about anything, but it seems like a lot of people dont believe me. You say plenty of them take time off, but most of them never come off. Bodybuilding is my life, and I'm very dedicated to it.

grimmz352's picture

So then you don't eat 4K calories

SuperMaroid's picture

Ate a lot today so far.

4857 calories
169g of fat
456g of carbs
202g of protein

Eating a lot during the Superbowl, lets go Falcons!

grimmz352's picture

Far from 4857 but ok bud

SuperMaroid's picture

This was my diet yesterday with calories next to everything I ate.

2 little bites-380
Chocolate milk-208
6 eggs-420
2 Waffles with syrup-672
Ice Tea-90
2 Oatmeals-143
Ice Tea-90
2 McDoubles-780
Protein Shake-300
Buffalo Wings during the game-606
Ice Cream-251


On a regular day I'm around 4,300. I usually dont have buffalo wings. Ate a lot watching the Superbowl. Trying my best to get to 250lb. Eat big to get big!

SuperMaroid's picture

Anywhere from 4-5k calories a day. I use the app my fitness pal everyday.

IrishMack's picture

It really cracks me up, all I see lately are under 30 non competitive people who "blast and cruise." Were you scared you were going to lose muscle? You have been using aas since you were 18 years old? The prime years of your growth you destroyed. I guess trt is the new fad.

SuperMaroid's picture

Who says I dont compete? You shouldnt judge a book by its cover. I've been competing for over 5 years.

MegaTRON13's picture

There's only one way to prove it bro, let's see those pics....

princeofallsaiyans's picture

Pretty solid cycle. I don't know if you need to run HCG the entire time or not. It might be better to start around week 9 or 10, but I'm not an expert on HCG. I'm sure someone else with more experience can shed light on that.

SuperMaroid's picture

Thank you. When I blast I stay on HCG the entire time.

gabrielkilmister's picture

Will you keep AI on cruise?

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SuperMaroid's picture

No, unless I have estrogen related sides.

gabrielkilmister's picture

I see...

Well, I'd start HCG in the middle/end of the cylcle.

In my case I feel like HCG would be just one more drug to aromatise in this cycle with so little benefit since you'll stay on cruise. You will probably feel nothing of that cause you're taking aromasin all along but it's just more drugs for your body to processe in my opinion

But if you've done it before you know better than me how your body will probably react.

Good luck with cyclo bro! I'll be following it!

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SuperMaroid's picture

Thank you. I will be updating the cycle later this week. As for HCG when you blast and cruise you want to keep taking it to keep your testes functioning.

12stone's picture

Why HCG? I kinda think your missing the point of blasting and cruising. Cruising is for TRT patients. Not some one on the never ending cycle. Cruise long enough and the hcg won't do you any good. Also, HCG can cause E2 issues... Guess I can't understand the hcg if your going to self subscribe TRT. It's kind of contradictory.

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SuperMaroid's picture

You do realize HCG is prescribed to TRT patients. Maybe you dont understand HCG. I get bloodwork done and talk to my doctor about this.

12stone's picture

Yea man I understand it probably better than most. Unless your going to an endo, most gp's really dont seem to understand hrt. First time I spoke to mine he wanted to put me on 200mg cyp every 2 weeks and run hcg weekly. When I finally went to an endo he laughed. Unless your planning on going back natty, HCG is really pointless. I'll see if I can find some links that show you what I mean.

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SuperMaroid's picture

It keeps my body functioning normal and have kids in the future. I dont see how you could say HCG is pointless. It does more than you think.

I'd like to see these links.

12stone's picture

Like I said, if your looking to go back natty or in your case have kids, I don't disagree that it's useful. Other than that IMO it's pointless except for reversing testicular atrophy. Its a fact it can increase E2 and cause breast tissue growth and a host of other negative sides. I've used it with success but unless I'm running a long cycle or using it in a blast prior to pct I dont use it. I looked into "cruising" but I still cycle and pct. If I were worried about my balls looking small I would use it. Just my opinion man. I'll find the links for you, but right now I'm crying over Atlanta giving that game away.

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mighty ectomorphing ranger's picture

I don't understand the benefits of hcg until the end of the cycle why take it from week one?

SuperMaroid's picture

Well I'm not sure if I would want kids or not but I'd rather stay on HCG in case I do want them. And my girl loves my balls so aesthetically too I want to stay on.

And I feel your pain, I was rooting for the Flacons too. They lost it so bad at the end, and overtime was hard to watch.

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