kaciokas's picture
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+ 2 10 weeks progress


helios 10weeks on. was running it 2 weeks on and2 weeks off.
1st week 0.5ml/day , 2nd week 1ml/day

Ordered from: 
rndoverflow's picture

impressive results in 10 weeks

DeadlyCrooc's picture

look at his status....lol

DeadlyCrooc's picture

where is Zeb with meme

zeb0312's picture

Late is better than never I guess....

helloBrooklyn's picture

Did this guy do something wrong? Genuinely curious.

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Yeah, dude, he's a fuckin faker, this guy has minimum 7 accounts and this is only those which we know. A simple advice to you bro, keep away from this shit (:

helloBrooklyn's picture

I can't spot a fake beyond an obvious stock photo of some IFBB pro yet. But I'll learn.

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Sorry, we can't open all cards, everyone has his own method (: You can trust my words. I can say only that time to time it happens, appears some fakers who play dirty games and do this, to get free gear from the promo, or other dirty ideas. But every good guy here, do everything to help our community to be clear of this shit.

noob143's picture

Fantastic progress bro! Impressive for sure

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