Wildling's picture
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+ 1 Test and tbol


Hey all. I'm getting back on the train after dealing with a neck issue last summer. I'm down to 260lbs, probably 17-18% bf. I have never gotten too chiseled and am pleased aesthetically, just want to get stronger and stay pretty lean in the process. Goals would be to maintain most of my weight while building some good strength. I've been pinning since I was 22 due to hormone issues (under developed pituitary which I found out about last summer). Hormone therapy started with hcg, then test c after I phased out of college football, then to clomiphene (12.5 MG daily). I miss pinning good stuff so I'm getting back in to the groove of things. I have used both trens and both nandrolones along with test. I will be pinning monday and friday. Cycle layout will be as follows.....

WeekTest ETbolClomid
1600mg50mg daily
2600mg50mg daily
3600mg50mg daily
4600mg50mg daily
5600mg50mg daily
6600mg50mg daily
julioporto3's picture

Amazing. I'm doing pretty much the same cycle, but with different dosages: 500mg Test E and 30 mg daily Tbol. Should I raise them? No side effects until now (4th week), only a little bit of acne.

noob143's picture

Where's the beginning photo?

Banana Ben's picture

After Test E you should wait a good 2 weeks before starting PCT. And I see you are only using Clomid for PCT...

Wildling's picture

Yes... Clomid is all I typically need especially for a test only cycle with a kicker.

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PPGfreak's picture

Your body fat is too high in my opinion to do a cycle. But I'm curious if this is a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle? The reason why ask is if you wanted to cut down to a better body fat percentage, which I highly suggest. Why is your test so high? But I'm cutting I keep my test in between 200-375mg max.

Wildling's picture

Hey bud, I just saw this. I don't really label anything as a bulk or cut. I do want to get back into some 38 pants lol so I guess you can call this a semi cut. I'm just trying to put on solid mass and minimize midsection increase.

With long esther test, my sweet spot is 600mg... if I'm on prop, 100mg eod is perfect, I'm just not in that kind of mood as of late.

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propkick2's picture

OK, i'll bite. Your HRT thing I'm staying away from, 12.5 mg of clomid a day for hormone replacement is nothing I'm familiar with. As for your cycle…Tren! Really?! Your shit is already fucked up, why not fuck it up more?? You're are going to run what you want, so when you run this you should change a few things..
1st there needs to be some kind of estrogen control..i recommend you start .5 mg arimidex eod starting wk 2. 2nd you need to run your test 2 weeks longer than your tren. This cycle layout just screams inexperience and shows me and everyone else why you are not ready for tren!! good luck

Livelife76's picture

Bro 3mg of adex a week is high as shit for most everyone but I'm with you on this layout screams inexperience or maybe just been awhile, either way no tren lol +1 for telling him that off the rip

OP lets get you away from this cycle... You don't need tren at all. You're 18% bf so let's start there, diet needs some adjusting, you're not far off from in my opinion running a cycle the right way...

What are your macros?
Cycle experience?

I see you're more a strength training guy so maybe bf% isn't so bad.

Prior cycles ran?

Why not a Test/Provi cycle and jumping your macros up to really add some size, you sound like you've ran plenty of cycles but it's been a while? So I'd leave tren for a later run bro

Wildling's picture

Yes sir, I haven't touched anything other than test in a while. I had a small neck injury (bulging disc, and spurs) last summer and had to stay out of a powerlifting routine for a while.... But that's a story for another day. I probably am too antsy right now, as my body is starting to really get back in it's groove.

I can't give an exact number of cycles, but they go somewhat like this in order:

Test e only
Test e and dbol
Test e and deca w/ dbol
Test p and tren a
Test e and tren e
Test p only
I've tried won by twice, but didn't really get much out of it (could have been and gear)

I haven't used proviron ever. DHT sides kinda scare me as I have a pretty full head of hair lol... I've used I hdrol in the past which has some properties of tbol and it really did me right which is why I just picked up some tbol to try.

For my macros, I don't really measure fat intake, but have been keeping carbs below 100g on workout days and below 50g on non workout days; As for protein, I consume at least 200g a day, depending on how hungry I get as I've been purging my body from junk.

Test E does me good at a minimum of 12 weeks, I'm just trying to get something synergistic going.

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Livelife76's picture

Right on bro, well Provi is by far the most mild of the lot, not like mast lol but I hear where you're coming from on that. Tbol sounds interesting I can't comment on it as I have zero experience with it (have some just haven't gotten around to using it)

Carbs are really low, are you wanting to cut?

Do you plan to run tren still?

Wildling's picture

I'm more so trying to get rid of my mid section right now. I'm not as tapered as I was a year ago. Also, my genetics don't do me much favor in the lean department (family full of obesity), so I have to watch it or I fall down a very slippery slope lol.

I'll just hold onto the tren for a year. Once I get really going, I'll dip back into the fire water. I think I'll just go with test e @ 600mg a week, throw some tbol in there to see where it takes me. I have a ton of older test p I could use to kick start too as it is reaching the near end of its shelf life.

On to the proviron... I have been intrigued by it as it sounds like it allows you to get more from what you're pinning. Is that your experience?

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Livelife76's picture

Lol I hear ya bro I'm n endo myself... When I want to put on weight good/bad I eat carbs after 5pm, when I want to cut weight, no carbs after 5pm because my genetics want to store them bitches in my belly like no others lmao

Yeah lower carb when leaning out is a must, I can cut weight pretty efficiently it's bulking that's a mother fucker for me, soon as I get 15-20lbs I see the bf% rising too much and that's because you need carbs to grow n I'm not trying to "lean bulk" lol as that shit is for the birds...

Should try no carbs after 5pm bro it sounds like it would do you good, also hit some fasted cardio in the am then eat a good chunk of your daily carbs post workout...

Good luck on cycle bro

Wildling's picture

I'll do that. Thanks for the input.

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Livelife76's picture

As for the Provi it does just that bro, imcreases free test, libido, and acts as a slight ai. It gives you more bang for your buck on the test for sure

Wildling's picture

Thanks for the input. I should have realized the test should go a little longer as the tren is enanthate and not acetate...

Question about the e control... Do you always take an ai even though you might not need it. Adex, exemestane, etc dry my joints out like there's no tomorrow. I have pharma aromasin just in case but don't think it's necessary to incorporate as some estrogen is good.

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Livelife76's picture

If you get bloods then you'll know for sure Smile

Wildling's picture

That is always true. My estrogen tends to stay on the low average. I get bloods twice a year. The clomiphene therapy had my free test in the 500s.

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Livelife76's picture

Good that you know how your body converts, yeah I'd stick to having it on hand as it seems you know when to throw it in the mix ....

Well aside from forgetting to run test longer (I believe you simply forgot due to not using for awhile lol) I'd say you have plenty of experience so I retract my statement above bro...

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