Hardliner1976's picture
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+ 5 Mid-Cycle Bloods


This is after 4 weeks of Test Cyp 250mg x2 weekly. Also taking .25mg Anastrozole eod, and 250mg HCG e4d. Any feedback is appreciated, as this sis my first cycle...

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Gh0st's picture

Looks great minus your creatinine bro. Check with your doc about that asap. Something you need to watch.

Owes a Review × 1
fusebox's picture

Little early to pull bloods but everything looks good. And I wouldn't worry about the estro level. Better than tanking it. Trust me. I'd pull them again in a couple weeks and would continue on course unless you start having sides from high estro. Retaining water and a tight sack are a sure sign. +1 for bloods and running a test only 1st cycle.

Ronburgundy's picture

+1 for the bloodwork.
How do you feel? Estradiol a little high but as long as you feel good you're alright.
You running hcg throughout cycle?

Hardliner1976's picture

Well, I just got sick last night, so I feel like shit at the moment. Other than that, I feel pretty good.I'm up 20lbs, and all of my lifts are increasing. Yes, I'm running HCG right up until the last test pin. I know there are a couple of schools of thought on that, but this method seemed to make sense. I'll admit that I'm disturbed about how low my LH levels are, I was hoping for a better result with the HCG.

Hardliner1976's picture

Sorry about the misnames source. First time posting a lab test, and I was a bit confused by the format. The test came from 5kits, the other two things and PCT stuff from OS.org, but that now appears to be OD.in. I can't keep up with all of the changes! No idea why the cholesterol is s\o low, but I'll take it!

Ronburgundy's picture

Just curious, I've seen a 100 different ways to run hcg so was wondering how you were feeling. Hcg won't raise your LH so you're fine. The elevated estro is due in part to the hcg though.

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