zachm87's picture
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I've been waiting, and now it's time.


First Cycle

Got on the site about two years ago with the intentions of starting a cycle, and I changed my mind. I continue to train, eat, and study information that in constantly being spewed on this website. Now, I'm ready to give it a run.

Age: 29
Weight: 180
Height: 70 Inches
BF: 13%
Calories: 3000-3800 (Usually in between 3500-3800, sometimes work gets in the way).

Test-C Weeks: 1-12 500mg a week (250mg Monday/ 250mg Thursday)

PCT: Clomid (Oral Liquid) 4 weeks after the Test at 50mg a day EOD.

I have some Arimidex (Pills) 50MG on hand as well if need be.

Any criticism will be awesome! Good or bad!!


-I have heard contradicting things as far days after last pin for pct for Cyp. I have heard anywhere from 14-18 days.
-Is 50mg ED good? I have also read so people go 100/100/50/50.
-As far as the Arimidex goes. Sooo many threads say different things and I honestly wasn't going to use it, until i needed it. If i start to feel any tenderness/sensitivity or puffiness in my nipples then I was planning on using it at 50mg EOD. That's also something I would like opinions/advice on.

I have a few buddies who have ran the same cycle, similar diet, they eat a little shittier than I do but as far as calorie intake it was similar. They didn't have to run the Dex as all and kept a lot of what they gained when they continue to bust their ass in the gym.

I'm pretty excited to see how it goes.

WeekTestosterone CypClomid
1450mg ED
1550mg ED
1650mg ED
1750mg ED
zachm87's picture

Damn! I should have been keeping up on this!! Well, I just pinned for the second time of week 7 and everything is going well for my first time. I have gained 14lbs already. I started at 175, first thing in the a.m. with an empty stomach, same time as of yesterday I weight 189.

I have been eating my ass off. I have not been 100% on my macros, as far as computation and keeping track, but my schedule is insane. That is a poor excuse, I know, but it's my excuse. I however have been making sure that I am eating anywhere between 3900-4900 calories a day. I think I was only around 3900 two days so far just because of work and school bullshit. Most days I'm around 4500 calories. I'm getting at least 200G of protein for sure a day, mots likely more, and a shit ton of carbs. I have put on some pretty good size, but nothing that is crazy, definitely enough for my wife to notice.

As far as sides go, I haven't really had any yet besides some acne on my shoulders, and I'm prone to that anyways so I can't even hold the test accountable for it. I haven't noticed any testicle shrinkage or any sensitivity with my nipples. Maybe someone can chime in and let me know if sides start coming near the end of the cycle, during PCT, or if they can occur at any time and it just depends?

I actually ended up getting the gear from the top rated source on this site, by coincidence. My buddy has used them several times, I did, then I realized when I was on the site that they are on here! Either way it's all working out pretty smooth. I got some PIP the first few times, but I think that's pretty normal. I wouldn't even say it hurt, just felt like I did a killer glute workout!

As I stated before, I'm pretty impressed so far and it's been a pretty cool experience. I know I was and am still young to be using it, but I'm reckless and it is what it is. I appreciate the people who gave me some great advice and will continue to do so in the future. Also all the amazing threads that I have found have helped me significant during my process!

Last question is what everyone's opinion is on time off. Some people say if it is just test time on = time off, time on + PCT= time off. My buddy did his PCT and then only did another month and ran another cycle with no issues but, I don't think I'm that risky. He's known for making some dumb decisions.

Let me know what you think guys!

The Impastable's picture

Time on = time off minimum. No exceptions.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of this, since you're already doing what you're doing...

Your protein intake seems so far off though. you're getting 1g/lb. That should be at minimum 1.5g/lb, ideally 2g/lb.

freedom1981's picture

So about Your cycle And the time to start pct fine . The dosage also for first cycle fine . I read down that your Adex 0.5 mg . Because Adex 50 mg doesn't exist at all .
About clomid alone for 50 mg per day it's fine there are studying about 100 mg not that good as 50 mg . But now the nolvadex and clomid both working as estrogen receptors but in 2 different directions .
Clomid work with your hypothalamus ( in your brain and help your fsh and Lh
nolvadex work with your thyroid gland as an antiestrogen and stronger to recover your test level .
And it's good if you thing about proviron for your weight 25 mgper day work fine .
About start Adex no one can tell you when to start it . Just only your body can judge this .
So enjoy

In a promo × 1
ePeeZy's picture

I think you might die if you take 50mg of Armidex lol, just kidding, but not really. I'm hoping that's a typo, I have never seen 50 mg tabs of Arimidex. You should wait until week 3 then start the Adex at .25mg EOD or .25mg E3D...I do .25mg EOD at that dose of Test

2 weeks after last pin is good to start PCT. Last pin will be a Wednesday or Thursday if you are pinning like most people, so waiting a full 2 weeks then starting the following Monday would be roughly 16 days after last pin. PCT should be Clomid 100/100/50/50 & Nolva 40/40/20/20

Did you get BW done pre-cycle? If so, what are the results? If not, you should do that, it's only $70 for a full female hormone panel that will give you Test levels and Estroidal (E2).

zachm87's picture

Definitely a typo, they are .50mg pills! =/ Yikes.

I was not planning on running Nolva, I guess I just read and from the research I've done just clomid will be sufficient for this dose of Test. I guess a lot of people base their information off experience or at least I hope so we will see how it goes with me. 100/100/50/50 is what I have read for clomid as well, besides what I posted originally obviously.

I have not gotten any BW done but I do plan on it. I will not be starting for another two weeks so we will see if I can get it done prior. I know it's a good idea to do it, but honestly wasn't dead set on having my blood done for sure.

Thanks for the input sir!

ePeeZy's picture

You will probably (probably is key word here) be fine with just clomid, but future reference, run both, and if you're just going to run one or the other, nolva is shown to be more effective. Not everyone agrees with that statement, but the research is there.

I would definitely get BW done man, you won't regret it. Especially since this is your first cycle, you want to know what your natural levels are so that you know where you should be getting back to post cycle. You're just blindly guessing of of 'feeling' without BW

And I figured it was a typo, yea I'd do half a pill EOD starting week 3 or 4 and quit taking same day as your last pin.

zachm87's picture

Awesome, and I appreciate the honest opinion. I will be going just Clomid and see how it treats me.

Also, as far as blood work. I know what my natural levels, at least as of a year ago. I was on TRT for a bit when I was going through some treatments for Chrons disease. I'm sure they are not much different. (Finding the paperwork now to put in here as well.) However, when you sat make sure my levels get back to what they should be....what if they don't? People just go to their doc and say "hey I used some illegal gear and now I'm jacked up"? Not being a smartass, legitimately asking.

So you really think I should run Dex even without having any issues? I read 90% of the time people say I should wait until I feel like I need it. Even guys who say I use it, and I know I don't need it, say the same thing. Just curious.

Thanks bro!


Editing this later..paper said I was at about 119 when I started TRT...but like I said I was doing some shitty treatment for Chrons. Within a month I was averaging, this is tested 3 times in that month, betweem 682 and the last time I was tested I was 811ng/dl. That was August 11th of last year and it was about.....umm...5 months off TRT.

ePeeZy's picture

The other reason I would get BW is so that you know your estroidal level. Guys may say they never had a problem with it but that doesn't mean there estrogen wasn't elevated, because it was. Bottom line Test aromatizes, and at 500mg/ week I can pretty much guarantee your e2 levels will be over 30.

If your only slightly over 30 you'll never experience "issues" but tut doesn't mean it's not having an effect on you, the higher your estro, the less test is actually available to use in the body.

You can do whatever you want of course, but I would never run a cycle without AI

zachm87's picture

That makes sense, I mean obviously I know there could be issues without me knowing. I'll most likely take your advice, I can it done for free however through work.

Thanks again