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4th cycle critique


In reference to above proposed next cycle I will run HGH for 6 months. It's Norditropin 15mg/1.5 ml

Age: 53 yrs young
Height: 6'
Weight: 220lbs
BF: 15 to 18%
Lifting on/off for 22 yrs. but steady 3 to 4 days wkly for the past 5 yrs. Cycled between power lifting & bodybuilding. Looking to add strength not size with this cycle.

Last cycle was 12 wks:

wk 1-4 Test 500 wk
wk 5-12 Test 250 wk
wk 1-4 Deca 250 wk
wk 6-12 Tren 500 wk
wk 5-12 Mast wk

Week 1-12Test E 250 wkTren E 500 wkMast E 350 wkAnavar 50 ed HGH .7mg (5 on 2 off)
Ruger44m's picture

I wanted to thank you for your input. Based off of what you & gymjunkie01 suggested, I'll drop everything and run Test @ 500 wk then add var from week 8 to 14.

Ruger44m's picture

I do PCT, just didn't list it. I run Nolva 2 wks after last injection. Wks 1-2 @ 40mg (split am/pm), wks 3-4 @ 20mg (split am/pm), wk 5 @ 10mg (am). Same thing I've done for all my PCT. All my cycles have been 12wks and usually 14 to 16 wks between cycles. I do want to focus on strength and I know I'll get bigger I just want to keep my weight around 225. My BF ratio is between 15 to 18% would like to get it down to about 12%. I won't run all those compounds I just thought I'd throw that out there to see what kind of input I could get. I do have everything on hand but will run only minimum compounds I need to achieve my goals. My training is definitely on point but my diet could use some work. I know what I need to do with my diet but sometimes I just fall off the wagon LOL if you know what I mean. Thanks for your time.

Ruger44m's picture

Why do you say that? My 2nd cycle I ran Deca at 400 but didn't really care for the bloating so my 3rd cycle I lowered it to 250 for joint therapy but still didn't like the way it made me feel so I dropped it all together, lowered test to 250, waited 2 wks then switched to tren at 500. Any thoughts on this proposed cycle?

Ruger44m's picture

Gotcha... I probably should of explained a little better. I don't really care to run Deca again because the way it made me bloat on my 2nd cycle but at my age (53) I figured I would try 250 for joint therapy on my 3rd cycle. I still didn't like it so I dropped it all together that's why I waited 2 weeks for it to get out of my system before I started the tren. Didn't have any bloating after that. I then dropped my test to 250 to allow the tren to do the work. I figured the remaining 6 wks wasn't really long enough for the tren to do a lot but didn't want to run the cycle longer than 12wks. Anyway, I appreciate your help.

Ruger44m's picture

I hear ya. I'm working on getting my bf ratio to 12%, at least that's where I'd like to be. I don't compete or anything like that except against myself so I don't really see me getting below 12%, right now I'm somewhere between 15 to 18%. Never thought of running Deca even lower than the 250 I just dropped it all together. Joints seem to be ok at the moment but if the problem returns or becomes unbearable I'll try your recommendation at a 100mg per week. Looks like I'll have to get some caber on hand before my cycle starts up to help me with bloating in case I need to run deca. Thanks bro, I appreciate it.

Gymjunkie01's picture

If your just looking to add strength not size then listen ..Drop the tren.. Drop the Mast... Drop the anavar..drop the Hgh ...

14 weeks of test E 500 a week
Adding strength is all in how you train.. Keep your Reps at 4 or under at 85% max weight 5 sets on your 5th set 2 rep max only..

Train 4 days max a week

Eat eat and eat ... You will add size no matter what your going to do because in order to get stronger you have to eat more and eating more will add size.. If you don't eat then you don't get stronger .. Best advice I can give

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Ruger44m's picture

I wanted to thank you for your input. Based off of what you & rocketballz suggested, I'll drop everything and run Test @ 500 wk then add var from week 8 to 14. Thanks.

Ruger44m's picture

Thanks for the input. Great advice. I figure I'll get bigger what I meant was I want to keep my weight around 225, drop my BF to around 12%. My 1st cycle was test only at 500 wk, 2nd cycle was Test 500 wk & Deca 400 wk. I posted my 3rd cycle above. I had my best results with that cycle. I admit my 4th cycle is a lot but thought since I had great results with my 3rd cycle that I would repeat it but add Var & HGH. I guess I I'll rethink this cycle. I lift 3 times a week sometimes 4 depending on routine I'm following. I know my eating isn't on point but I try to keep my protein around 1.5 grams per body pound per day, figure out the calories from the protein then split remaining calories between carbs and quality fats to keep total calories around 2200 to 2500 per day.

Carlos Danger's picture

You ever run Tren E before?

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Ruger44m's picture

Not Tren E, but ran Tren Ace for the last 6 wks of a 12 wk cycle. Strength went up pretty good. Gained 18 lbs, kept 15lbs. I listed my cycle in above post. Did my PCT w/ Nolva. July will be 14 wks since cycle ended.

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