Tduff311's picture
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Proposed 3rd Cycle Feedback


For this cycle I want to focus on slow gradual gains while enhancing muscular and aerobic endurance. I am trying to get the best of both worlds - to perform well in local mountain bike races (a fun hobby, but likely my last year, so I want to leave with my best year's performance) while possibly still adding some muscle gradually throughout. I will start this cycle immediately and continue it for the next 4 months of this race season.

I am proposing EQ, NPP, and Test. However, I have received, and read, a lot of negative feedback regarding EQ in these forums. I initially chose EQ as it is well known for endurance athletes due to it's slow, gradual gains, and boosted RBC/Hematocrit, which is great for races when kept between 50-55% (I will monitor frequently and donate if needed). I have already reached 48% with a little EPO, but that will start to naturally decline soon with all of the riding this season. As a reference, my races rarely exceed an hour in length, so my muscle loss risk is minimal, as I take in carbs and protein before and immediately after each race.

I initially proposed the following 20 week cycle:

600 EQ (200 m/w/f)
150 NPP (50 m/w/f)
120 Test C (40 m/w/f)
.25 Anastrozole EOD
.25 Caber (m/f)

However, some have suggested the following instead. I am not sure this wouldn't conflict with the goals, however, at these doses.

600 EQ (200 m/w/f)
450 NPP (150 m/w/f)
600 Test C (200 m/w/f)
.25 Anastrozole EOD
.25 Caber (m/f)

I'll run this for a total of 20 weeks as EQ is slow and that will cover the remainder of the MTB racing season. Since I am on HRT/TRT, I won't need PCT, I will just return to cruise dosing of 120-140/week Test Cyp and the HcG at 500/week (I also run very low dose Deca during TRT). I maintain my TRT doses of hcg year round. That's 250iu (500 total) twice weekly taken with 500 (1000 total) B12 twice weekly.

If you agree that I should avoid EQ, please offer a suggestion of what you would use in it's place. Someone previously suggested low dose Anavar , for instance. The following are the choices I have available for this athletic-focused cycle:

EQ 200/ml x 25ml (more on way)
NPP 100/ml x 30ml (more on way)
Deca 250/ml x 10ml (more on way)
Tren A 100/ml x 50ml (more on way)
Tren E 200/ml x 40ml
Test P 100/ml x 10ml
Test C 200/ml x 60ml

Anavar 10mg x 200 tabs
Stanozolol 50mg x 140 tabs
Clen 20mg x 230 tabs
T3 25mcg x 200 tabs
Halo 5mg x 90 tabs

My previous cycles were:

1) Blasting up to 750 Test alone
2) Tren 100 EOD, with 200 Test/wk, and 200 Deca /wk
3) Small bridge of Anavar and T3 for about 5 weeks after the Tren Cycle to really cut up.

The Tren one was supreme and perfect. But, for performance enhancement, it's not viable.

WeekEQ (Boldenone)NPPTest CAnastrozoleHcG
1600mg150120.25 EOD500iu
2600mg150120.25 EOD500iu
3600mg150120.25 EOD500iu
4600mg150120.25 EOD500iu
5600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
6600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
7600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
8600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
9600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
10600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
11600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
12600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
13600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
14600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
15600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
16600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
17600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
18600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
19600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
20600mg150200.25 EOD500iu
Tduff311's picture

Would anyone recommend incorporating T3, Anavar, or Winstrol? Perhaps front loading with it since EQ takes at least 4 weeks to begin having an effect. Being a weight sensitive sport, it would definitely help to lean out the unneeded body fat. Currently sitting at about 14%

robb's picture

There's no need to add any of the above. You're doing plenty as it is. Diet dictates bf not compounds, the gears just a tool.

Get on your bike, some long rides will definitely help and aid stamina and fitness at the same time.

Tduff311's picture

Thanks Robb. Sounds good.

Tduff311's picture

Hey brother,

Thanks for the response. The HcG is part of my TRT regimen and never changes...

Just curious, what would you recommend on the TRT that would be different?

Caeser's picture

I am certainly not the person to advise you this matter; as I'm still learning... but here's some info to consider, "...the treatment of low testosterone, which can last anywhere from 6 weeks to a full year. Short-term plans will normally call for 500-1,000lu’s 3 times per week for 3 weeks followed by 500-1,000iu’s 2 times per week for 3 weeks. Long term HCG doses will normally fall in the 4,000iu range and are given 3 times per week for 6=9 months. This will normally be followed by 3 more months of therapy at a dose of 2,000 3 times per week."... I'm not attesting to the accuracy of this info, it's simply info that I have found in my research. I expect someone far more knowledgeable than me to provide a more concrete response.

One more item that I noticed with the cycle proposal... w/EQ cycles it seems most suggest to give blood at some point in the latter half of the cycle.

Caeser's picture

That's why I put it in "quotes" it's not my words... thus signifying information provided by someone else. Simply trying to share information & participate.

Caeser's picture

It was my assumption that you neg'd me... if it wasn't you, my apologies. The Forum Rules state "4. Do not copy/paste articles you find on the internet. If you must share your findings, write up a short excerpt and provide a link to the original article. Alternatively post a link with a short description in News section."... If I'm in the wrong for posting an excerpt from an information source; then I'm reading this rule incorrectly. And I'll go f**k myself.

Caeser's picture

Being an MTBer myself, I'm curious to see your progress once you decide upon your cycle. Also, interested to hear the feedback from "the experienced" around here. The one thing I notice on your proposal that seems like you may get some flak on is the hCG dosing & length of running it.

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