Drgreenthumb628's picture
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-1 2nd real cycle


6'1' starting weight 306lbs. Down to 288 in 5 weeks. Been on trt for years nut first real cycle in a long time. Im trying to mainly cut bodyfat while leaning out. my only concerns are my high blood pressure and hypoglycemic reactions i have been getting while on cycle. Any input on this or what to change, do, not do would be appreciated.
After the test e and proviron tabs i plan on adding eq and deca in a few weeks and dropping the var, lowering the mixes by half until i finish out the cycle for a total of 20 weeks. The orals will be 6 weeks on 8 off than 6 on. This will be first time running eq. Tren sides were rough at first but i am now used to them. I also take hctz and propranolol for bp but it is still elevated. I may add t3 for the last 3 weeks of cycle i cant really decide i just want to get in shape for summer.
Using only pharmacom gear

Test p tren a mast p 250mg eodTest e tren e mast e 500mg 2x weekAnavar 50mg edProviron 50mg edAnastrozole 1mg edTest e 250mg 1-2x weekEq 300mg 2x week
Deca 300mg 2x weekWinny 50 mg edAnavar 50mg ed
Keepmovingforward's picture

Honestly I'd stay away from blends until you are more advanced in the game. I'd just run a simple cycle. Sometimes less is better. I've had really good luck with just test and Clen. I'm 28 and I'm not ready for the tren train. Bf will come down with good diet and training. Constructive criticism.

tone210's picture

is your name phil heath? are you the Mr.olympia? you are 278 lbs with 14% bf? i bet you are 278 with 30-40% bf. you cycle is all over the place. hows your diet burritos and cheeseburgers? i hope you have health insurance. ask your dr to get your on that kidney and liver list.

tone210's picture

is your name phil health? are you the Mr.olympia? you are 278 lbs with 14% bf? i bet you are 278 with 30-40% bf. you cycle is all over the place. hows your diet burritos and cheeseburgers? i hope you have health insurance. ask your dr to get your on that kidney and liver list.

Drgreenthumb628's picture

Gave up on the cycle i was getting great results but hypoglycemic episodes were way to bad. Im just sticking with 500mg test a week 500mg deca a week and 600mg eq a week for 15 weeks during weeks 10 through 15 i am going to add primo

VagBlister9000's picture

I can't even read the table. what the hell is this?

Catalyst's picture

I can't even read the table.

That's probably for the best.

We still have no BF% I see.

Drgreenthumb628's picture

Bf% was 14% 1 week before cycle... now im down to 278lbs i think alot was water weight my pcp out me on hctz for bp

guitarplayer1's picture

Throw up a pic!

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happycapy's picture

Yeah, 278 and 14% body fat, I want to see that too

guitarplayer1's picture

Hopefully he does. Existing BP problems and running eq and @275+ spells heart attack.

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Gymjunkie01's picture

It's called diet .. Diet is what leans you out not gear, your setting yourself up for a big mess. You came in here asking for advice and you got advice from some of the best guys here ,if everyone is telling you your cycle is trash then that should give you a clue . But hey what do we know

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Drgreenthumb628's picture

Ive done cycles of test and dbol before and test and adrol test and deca dbol etc. When im saying 2nd cycle i mean that its the second time im using multiple compounds like this. Say indont use the eq, t3, winny or var. Can i get some feedback on it. So far just starting on week 6 on monday everything has been good for me just alt and ast liver enzymes are slightly high but not to bad and hdl is low and ldl is high

The Impastable's picture

I think you'd have more success just packing a bunch of fire crackers up your ass and lighting the fuse...

IrishMack's picture

I think he's looking to cut, not "blow up.". I just got that myself hehe.

j1980's picture

A lot that I wanna say. However all I'm going to say is... This is nonsense. Scrap this shit and start over.

Drgreenthumb628's picture

What would you recommend doing? So far it is working good, great results, sides are not bad. ive had amazing sessions at the gym. What would you take away from this cycle?

IrishMack's picture

Everyone here posted advice on what you should do, you are not listening. You do realize we don't cosign organ failure here right? Just do whatever you want and post before and after pictures of how it worked for you, otherwise you wasted your time as well as ours. I'm serious about the before and after pics because this looks like a an eenie meenie minee moe, fuck it I'll take it all cycle.

Makwa's picture

This cycle is so fucked up I don't know if it is for real or not.

Drgreenthumb628's picture

Only thing im really undecided about is t3 and also using the orals again at the end of cycle the var and winny. Right now ive had slow steady gains and just want to capitolize on them. Should i just save the eq for next cycle?

Drgreenthumb628's picture

Right now im using pharmacom mix 2 and 6, i blew my shoulders out so thats why i am throwing deca in there. When using the deca and eq i was going to cut the mix 2 out completely and just use mix 6. I have used all the other compound a bunch of other times before but for no longer than 6 weeks thats why i say this is my second real cycle. Ive used deca for 10 weeks before. I am on trt for life so i blast snd cruise. Bf was at 14% 1 week before i started the cycle the day before rhe cycle it is at 13%

vhman's picture

Is this real? Second cycle? Looking to cut some fat with an advanced competition cycle? You've added deca to this mess as well? I see you're throwing in T3 just for kicks!?! I hope you're a troll, otherwise you're in for a world of hurt. Good luck with that!

Whitetrash's picture

What's your bodyfat percentage? This seems like complete overkill to me unless you're Jay Cutler.

Drgreenthumb628's picture

I plan on running all of them i may hold eq till next cycle, i am undecided about the t3, and i am not sure about the winny and var as i am almost done with the var but the strength increase has been phenomenal

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