noguru's picture
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+ 1 Yk-11 + LGD-4033 + Ostarine + Cardarine cycle log


i did a 8 week lgd/ostarine cycle, at 15/25 mg ed, about 5 months ago. i gained 10 pounds with no side effects, no pct. but i had a horrible flue about a month ago, and lost a bit of mass and strength and gained a bit of fat (8%-12%......)

so now im using my self as a human guinnea pig with this yk-11. so ill be seeing my doctor every now and then during this cycle. i know the lgd dose is high aswell.

i am aiming for a recomp/lean bulk. eating around 160g protein, 50g fat, 250 carb. i use cronometer to make sure i get all my vitamins/minerals/fiber/omegas etc.

my training program is a 2 split upper/lowerbody. the first days of the week i go for 8-12 reps 4 sets. and at the end i go for 15-20 reps 5 sets. this is to damage the muscles as mutch as possible, then pump blood in them to repair them and keep em pumped. i will graduatly increase the training and food intake. and hopefully i will be in the same shape i was or even better.

BoMan's picture

I know I ran LGD without a test base a couple years ago just to see what it'd do to me and I was definitely suppressed, was on 10 mg for 7 weeks. Balls were deflated, felt lethargic, etc... Someone recently posted blood work showing YK definitely suppresses test production. Do some quick searches of the site and you'll find where I posted research showing LGD is suppressive at very low doses (1mg) and you'll be able to find the blood work on the YK

haapinessgains's picture

You may need a pct for the yk11. A lot of people are coming to agreement that it's more of a steroid than a sarm. That being said, it has been proven to suppress testosterone. Also I would bump that yk to 10.

haapinessgains's picture

Double post