Twiztd's picture
  • 75

+ 2 The great lean bulk


Started 205lbs 9%bf trying to end up close to 225-230 6-9% bf 5000 clean cals I will be taking arimidex 1mg 2x wk on injection days. Easy to remember that way. I do take rich piana sliver and organ defender my labs come back better then using n2guard. Cleared up most of the acne I do get but I never really got that much either

WeekTestosterone EnanthateTren EDbolHcgClomidNolva
2750mg300mg40mg ed
3500mg400mg60mg ed
4250mg600mg80mg ed
5250mg600mg80mg ed
6250mg600mg80mg ed
7250mg600mg80mg ed
151000iu ed
161000iu f3d100mg ed40mg ed
171000iu ed100mg ed40mg ed
181000ius f3d50 mg ed20mg ed
1950mg ed20mg ed
IrishJerk's picture
Twiztd's picture

i wouldn't do this cycle again for myself just because of the tren e

IrishJerk's picture

Yep I can see how Tren could be counterproductive.
Well you helped me learn from your mistakes. +

lordoftheoctagon's picture

I've never understood WHY people use tren on a "bulk" (lmao at that term)?!?!
There are much better compounds that can yield close to the same effect while trying to put on tissue.

Twiztd's picture

It was something that was suggested to me. The truth of it is tren e fuck with my state of mind more than ace ever did and the amount of food that I have eaten just to get where I am wasn't worth it I had the same effect on npp but was in a far better state of mind. I wasn't as lean body fat wise but I felt better. If I had to do it again I would drop the tren and use deca or npp from the start with maybe some mast to keep lean. But I guess you live and learn and I learned that after this cycle I'm going to stay away from tren for some time. The night sweats and insomnia and being the only drug that gives me acne and fuck with my mind says I should steer clear.

Twiztd's picture

This s cycle is going great hit 227 on weight same body fat feeling awesome

Skrubnagrom's picture

I'm about to run the exact same cycle minus the dbol. How you like it so far???
I've never run Tren before. Is Exemestane enough for you to fight off the Tren sides?
Some people say you need Prami and some say you don't.

Twiztd's picture

I'm liking it and I run arimidex and have caber on hand never need it though but I would run short esters if I were you being that you have never used tren that way you can get out if the side are to bad or if it messes with your head to much

Twiztd's picture

The macros have for the most part have been on point outside of the carbs. In the beginning I wanted to stay between 200-215 shredded and I have been there but now I've learned my body a bit I now can add the carbs and bulk up a bit. I would like to be around 230 that's where I feel the most comfortable in my body and my joints don't hurt. Now that I found out about the low test being my biggest issue I know what I can and can't do. I'm up to 219 from 205 without to much bloat from the dbol and leaning out even more while gaining some mass now that the tren is starting to kick in but I'm starting on week 4 of test and tren and wk 3 with dbol. And now I have some real dbol at some under dosed crap I can lower the dosage back to 30 -40 mg. test is going down to 250wk and 600 tren e starting next week

MedDx's picture

Have you ever used Proviron? A simple Test/Provi run with your current diet modification and alternating workout regimens would be simpler, and smarter, allowing you better utilization of the Testosterone, as well as, a better focus on your macros and what you can do with minimal compounds. Just a thought....

Twiztd's picture

No I haven't use proviron. It's some thing for me to try in the future. I'm have the macros dialed in now.

vhman's picture

Boom! It's amazing what a sensible run, with a solid diet and effort will do. Almost any goal can be reached with what you proposed. +2

MedDx's picture

Yes...totally agree...sensible runs and intelligent choices yields high-grade results where you actually see and feel your gains pay off because they after day after day..... Smile

vhman's picture

Gains that actually stay over time. Imagine that!

ak47's picture

Given that you have already experimented with tren e. I would suggest something like this for a lean bulk: this is a 14 week cycle that is a favorite of mine.
Sus 250 3x/week
Tren e 250 2x/week
Anadrol 50 mg/ED for 4 weeks (prefer drol over dbol...)
Aromasin EOD (start out with small dosages and gauge how much you need)

If your diet is clean this should yield some really great results. A lot of people say Drol leads to a lot of water retention and it does if you have a sloppy diet and bunk AI. I tried this cycle, albeit with tren a instead, and gained a solid 14 lbs in while my waist shrieked by 2 inches. Given that you haven't tried drol I would caution against going higher than 50 mg because of the bp issues that some experience. You can add winny towards the last 4-5 weeks to really solidify the gains, but I generally don't recommend trying more than one new compound in a cycle. Hope this helped.

Twiztd's picture

I think I will save the sust for the next cycle. But it does look like a cycle I would try next I have all the gear already. I do want to play with drol but I had a lot of people till me to use dbol or var for my first oral. I would like the strength gains I don't now how much smaller I can get my waist its at a 31 and I have to wear a 34x34 to get enough room to walk with out looking like I'm wear the kids skinny jeans lol. What do you think about switch to tren a test p for the last two weeks do you think it's a waste. I hear winny destroys joints that's why I was thinking of doing mast p at the end but that is all new to me and I want to get labs done before I add more than one oral to a cycle. Thanks for the input

ak47's picture

As a first oral you definitely want to go with Var. PM me if you need to find a reliable source of real Var. Didn't realize you didn't have any history with orals.

As for switching to fast esters for the last two weeks, that's really just a waste. A lot of guys do taper off long ester testosterones but in my experience I never felt or saw the difference or benefits in doing this.

Twiztd's picture

No suggestion caught a lotta crap but no real suggestions should I try dropping the test to 250 and keep tren up at 400 or should I try 600 or am I just wasting money and I should stay at 500 test and 400 tren

Twiztd's picture

Yeah I'm dropping down to 250 this week as the side at 500 are already less than at 750 as far as acne and the constant state of being annoyed I have noticed yet but I think with tren e I have 1 more week before it really kicks in. And car will be my next oral. Working on a reliable source. Thanks

jsoc_rock's picture

Waaaaaaaaay too much dbol. I run it 20-30mg per day 4 weeks 40mg MAX. Have you run Tren before? If not I'd start with Tren a so if it's bad or too hard on you you can get off it in a couple of days as opposed to a couple of weeks with the Enanthate ester

Twiztd's picture

Yeah the dbol I have is way under dosed even at 80 I hardly get a pump have some coming from a different source which I will drop back down to 30 and yes I have run tren a twice already hardly any sides

jsoc_rock's picture

Excellent to hear glad you didn't have any nasty sides. Yeah 30mg per day is spot on and 4 weeks only and you should be good bro! I just did a Test E and dbol cycle 600mg per week it was test e 300mg per ml and 35mg per day of dbol for 4 weeks and got solid results. Good luck bro!

Twiztd's picture

That's awesome to hear I don't even get the euphoric state that dbol is suppose to give you

ak47's picture

Not to be critical but you don't look at like you're at 9% bf. What's your cycling experience? It's absolutely important because tren e is notorious for its sides and given that it's a long ester it's not in your best interest to use it as your first tren experience. Post your cycle history and I along with everyone else will be more than willing to help you with really safe and effective cycle advice

Twiztd's picture

And as far as the abs and obliques I have thick obliques and the abs don't really show until I'm 7-8% I just don't work them that hard

Twiztd's picture

And the doc is the one who told me 9% when I got my pre cycle labs done

Twiztd's picture

I've done 2 test only 12 wk cycles 1 test and npp 12 wk and one test and tren 8wks for a little cut and a tren test and npp cycle 10wks npp was for the joints no side on any cycle so far beside a little acne and night sweats

Twiztd's picture

It was explained to me to run tren e longer to 16 wks and when I get good dbol from my other source it will be dropped down and this cycle is not set in stone I could shorten it I'm just going on what I've read and what many of my friend are doing with great results. I was just under the impression that tren e deca and eq should be run longer to get the most benefit from it. I will gladly take any advice like staying at 500 test and 400 tren e or dropping the test dosage to 250 for test I didn't think I was using that much gear. So if someone wants to suggest something eles I'm game