doctor_d's picture
  • 5

+ 2 Proposed Cycle


~19% BF
Been doing my homework Smile
The Aromasin will be used as needed. I've read about front loading with it but as I don't know yet how my body will react (First cycle) I will start the test E and see where things go. Otherwise I might not ever know what to expect down the road.
Will keep working the BF down through diet/cardio. Aiming to start cycle at 15% BF
Looking to bulk lean and strengthen.
Diet produced using Scooby's incredible Meal Planner! Thanks!
18 gauge to pull, 25 gauge to pin

Removed HCG as per Rusty/Darth

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAromasinNolvadexClomid
2500mg6.25 ED
3500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
4500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
5500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
6500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
7500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
8500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
9500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
10500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
11500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
12500mg6.25 - 12.5 EOD
136.25 - 12.5 EOD
freedom1981's picture

its a nice one log , but i guess you should work on your diet before you start it , like if you start it when your bf is 15 you could see better result from your cycle , and good that you used aro better than adex ,

In a promo × 1
doctor_d's picture

" but i guess you should work on your diet before you start it , like if you start it when your bf is 15 you could see better result from your cycle ,"
You've just repeated exactly what I posted. How is that helpful?

Pale's picture

At 51 I totally would not worry about being 19%. Just keep on top of your estro, matter of fact do not wait for sides to start to begin your AI. You likely will have no need for HCG either bro.

Pale's picture

Definitely going to want to be using fish oil and anything else that will help lipids.

doctor_d's picture

My test level is 600 ng/dl and I don't have much problem with ED..Do I risk returning to this state of functionality without the HCG?

doctor_d's picture

Thanks Darth/Rusty...
Would it make sense to have the HCG on hand, or maybe use it as part of my PCT?
If totally unnecessary I can definitely use the money elsewhere - like food!
I am taking Omega 3 supplements twice daily (wild fish oils, 2000mg/day total). as well as incorporating fish in my diet weekly.
Already have the requisition for bloods come week 5.

doctor_d's picture


Roid Noid's picture

That is 100 times better than the one in steroid cycles i just stumbled upon.....

doctor_d's picture

Thanks Noid! How have you been? Your journey was one of the very first I read on here.

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