Juice Monkee's picture
Juice Monkee
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-1 Planning 3rd cycle


5'6 165lbs 36 years old. Not sure of body fat %. Shortly after my last cycle I had some health problems and spent a week in the hospital. Then I spent another month and a half recovering from surgery. I haven't really dedicated myself to working out since and lost most of my gains. So it's been about 10 months. Should I just go natural for a while or should I just jump right back in? If I do run gear now I was debating whether I should do the same cycle and just eat more or go with Test, Deca and Dbol. I'd like to at least get back to where I was in the pic. I liked the look that stack gave me. I've never ran Deca and I'm worried about the overall look it'll give me. Any suggestions/advice appreciated. Didn't realize how much shit I'd get for not putting a pct. some people assume you're not doing one if its not up there. Just ask before you jump to conclusions...Geez.

WeekTest EEQAdex
14400mg500mg .25mg/ed
Nolvadex 40mg/ed for 2 weeks then 20mg/ed for 2 weeks
TINYTIM36's picture

@madman yeah he just left the same comment on a cycle log of mine. What's with this schmuck?

madman's picture

What's with this schmuck?

Haha "schmuck" i haven't heard that one in a while. I noticed he wrote the same comment on a lot of cycle logs I wouldn't worry about it the guys just Trolling. The mods will take care of him.. ;)

madman's picture

Troll much?? Changed your age from 24 to 33..

Juice Monkee's picture

Thanks man... I'm not restricted at all. I've been at it for a couple weeks. It's discouraging how much strength I've lost but I know I'll get it back quick. Im eating 3000 calories/day just to see how it effects me naturally. I'm pretty active during the day. I'm an auto mechanic. The only thing I don't miss is the bigger you get the harder it is to fit your arms in tight spaces under the hood.

j223's picture

5'6 165lbs 36 years old. Not sure of body fat %. The first pic is from last November towards the end of the above listed cycle. I weighed 185 lbs when I started and dropped to 175 lbs by the time I took the pic. Shortly after I had some health problems and spent a week in the hospital. Then I spent another month and a half recovering from surgery. So I lost all my gains and haven't really dedicated myself to working out since. Should I just go natural for a while or should I just jump right back in?

If you lost all of your mass in a month and a half then you have no business running a cycle period. I've been off cycle for a year and still have most of my mass, naturally. How do you lose everything in a month? That tells me a couple things.

  1. Your last cycle was run improperly. If you lose all of your gains in a month (even if you were out of the gym for medical reasons). Unless you had SERIOUS medical problems leading to the extreme mass loss in such a short period of time, in which case you shouldn't be running a cycle if you have those types of health problems or recently had them.

  2. You went from 185 to 165 in a two months span.

  3. You didn't run a proper PCT. I'm guessing you didn't use ancillaries properly either. (you probably don't even know what ancillaries are i.e. prami)

  4. You haven't taken adequate time off and already want to "jump back in" ?

In summary, you have no business running a cycle at all. You need to do more research, learn to improve your workout routine and diet if you lose that much mass and definition and gain much more fat in such a short amount of time. You need to do better planning because 8 weeks EQ is dumb and including tren after a one month cycle break and jumping back in is just a bad idea. Sorry to be blunt but you truly are not ready for a cycle at the moment.

Get some bloodwork done - female hormone panel, lipids, etc to make sure you are healthy. Especially given YOUR situation.
Take more time off and get your "gains back" and drop some fat, get in a healthier position before starting another cycle.
Learn to use the compounds you described correctly, rather than throwing a bunch of cool steroids and clumping them together into a cycle log.
Learn what drugs and dosages of ancillaries (prami,hcg,caber,anastrazole) and PCT (clomid, tamox, anastrazole etc) you must have BEFORE ever starting a new cycle.
Come back in a few months after spending many hours of research, gaining your muscle back, cleaning up your diet, losing the fat, and having an overall better perspective on AAS and cycling in general. Then after you have done all those things and your bloodwork is clean, you could consider planning out another cycle on here given you've taken enough time to properly pct and are ready to go (which currently you are not)

oh and my first impressions of the cycle itself is that: this cycle has no business including EQ. Drop the EQ.
Sounds like you aren't ready for tren even though you've already ran it. I'd drop that as well.
Dbol and Anavar for a total of 10 weeks is a little excessive I'd pick one or the other, or drop them both. Overall the cycle just doesn't look good so I'd completely rethink your future next cycle. Maybe test only
but focusing on those other things we mentioned earlier to get the most out of the cycle.

Juice Monkee's picture

Thanks for responding. Perhaps I should have been more specific. This was last year. Not just a month ago. It's been a good 10 months. I'm with you on waiting and getting some gains back. I do know about ancillaries and doing a proper pct. I didn't just decide to run gear and not do any kind of homework. Perhaps my cycle was a poor one, although I liked the results. I just pulled it off another website and tried to learn what I could about the compounds i'd be using. I've had blood work done, liver enzymes checked, etc. I can't afford not too. Can you elaborate why EQ doesn't belong?

j223's picture

oh if you could post the pct directly into the cycle log that would help just to make sure you have a good setup.

Can you elaborate why EQ doesn't belong?

Sure, it's a slow acting compound and will dramatically increase blood pressure and RBC especially in combination with stuff like tren or dbol, so that combo would be best left for people with multiple cycles under their belt. The side effect profile could potentially be high. Cycles with EQ need to be long and break must be sufficient between injection and pct so you don't keep yourself shutdown during pct

Juice Monkee's picture

Good info...thanks man.

j223's picture

Just wanted to say thumbs up bro. You didn't take my extremely critical previous response negatively. Glad you decided to drop tren this go around given your circumstances and health situation.

If you run the EQ thats your choice but remember to wait 15-20 days after last EQ injection before starting PCT. If you run EQ, run the test an extra week. (for example if you do 14 weeks eq run test 15 and start pct week 17) Oh and don't forget to post your pct. If you could please update this cycle log with your planned PCT go ahead and do so so we can make sure it is planned out correctly

dothework29's picture

First off I would like to say you have a good solid build.... Also I am not in anyway trying to put you down but I feel like this is a bit too advanced for a 3rd cycle. Just stick with the test e and eq this cycle. Do that and eat like a horse and train like a boss and you will get the results you want. Extend the eq to 14 weeks along with the test and run eq between 600-800. You will here people say that it has to be 800 a week to get results but everyones body is different and I have got great results before running eq at 600. Also I see nothing posted about a post cycle or AI while your on cycle. My first choice for AI is aromasin which I can take on cycle and durring pct. You better make sure you have plenty of nolvadex and clomid for your pct. Pct should be taken just as serious as the cycle. I wish you the best brother Smile

Juice Monkee's picture

Thanks man. I'm not offended at all. I asked for advice. I have nolva, adex, and letro and I plan on getting aromasin, clomid and hcg so I'll be well prepared. I figured it was a little advanced. That was my last cycle. I knew I was jumping out there too soon, but I'm sure you know how that is. A lot of impatient people out there.

Juice Monkee's picture

I've been told EQ should be used longer. I've used Tren before. No sides at 50mg eod. So should I run Tren longer as well?

dudebro's picture

Kind of all over the place here. Ditch the Dbol and tren for starters. 3rd cycle I'm guessing you've never done tren before so you definitely don't wanna start with tren e. What did your first 2 cycles look like?

Juice Monkee's picture

My first cycle was Test Prop and Anavar. My 2nd was just like the one above except I used Tren A. I had some asshole in my ear tying to get me to run Tren for my first cycle. I told him to fuck off. I probably tried it too soon anyway as it was only my second cycle. Thanks for the response.

Juice Monkee's picture

I used tamoxifen for pct and had letro on hand in case I got gyno. Anastrazole for ai. I didn't really get any bad sides though. I planned on doing the same pct just didn't list it. I definitely felt the EQ early. Around week 3 and it was actually 6 weeks of Tren, which really set the cycle off. I was getting advice from some younger guys I worked with. Apparently not so good advice though. Thanks for the feedback.

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