killroy's picture
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quick89's picture

Just curious, but how'd you feel with a test level of 16? I bet like shit right?

killroy's picture

if you want me to be completely honest... I am a life long TRT patient who just became bored and reckless. I had just taken a break from IM pinning for about 3 months... before that I was running shit off and on and trying different enhanced trt protocols I dreamt up and looked at blood work routinely. All of them futile ... my lipids were crushed, creatinine elevated, HCT/HMG/RBC out of range... my AST/ALT stayed normal throughout. I was experimenting with very low doses of orals or low dosed tren and using test as a base and sometimes not.

But when I completely went off test for those 3 months and only ran this hcg. I still would take 10mg of dbol or 10mg var at least 3 to 4 days out of the week. and some weeks with HGH. proviron was also taken sporadically too like once or twice a week. My libido and erection function was fine.

Did feel a little lethargic, my strength at the gym suffered but didn't I lose much weight.

I'm off everything else in the last month and just back on test 150mg/ew. That is a full disclosure and completely understand how stupid it sounds to people... You asking is the only reason I'm tellin.

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killroy's picture

I'd wager its improperly stored hcg that's heavily degraded or some form of lyophilized sodium. Either way it's trash. I never experienced any reactions.

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Beltabuser's picture

In response to my bad test:"
Sir , if you use the solvent that we sent you with HCG, indeed the pregnancy test will appear as negative ,you can use any other solvent for example distilled water ,bacterial water. Better is to make the test blood , I assure you the HCG is real 100% and the test will approve this.

All the best,

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killroy's picture

I used bac water. So there goes that theory. My blood work and atrophy cannot be explained away either.

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bakkeboy's picture

Damn! I just picked some up from my boy and was very excited. Big let down

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killroy's picture

Thanks for the reply brother. Was there any resolution from alin about your order ?

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TheHulk702's picture

third time i see this. what a shame

jgio's picture

Thanks for the test bro... appreciate that feedback. was about to order too!

killroy's picture

check with alin if they got rid of these... i think the new batch MIGHT be legit. not sure... just letting folks know about the older batch with the blue and red lines on the amp.

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