Monkeynews's picture
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Bulking time


Stats :
previous cycles 6.

My aim is to put on at least 12lbs of quality size and will go for superdrol for the lack of bloat it will provide. Would have gone for dbol as the kicker but don't fancy bloating up in the first month.
Supplements i will be taking .5 mg caber every 3 days, Tudca,hawthorn berries,niacin,RYR,CoQ10,milk thistle,cod liver oil.

Never done deca or superdrol before so looking forward to see what they can do.
Any other thoughts on a kicker that won't bloat?
Might use some var at the end of the cycle to try and harden muscles but will see what state I'm in.

PCT will be HCG a couple of weeks before the end of the cycle for just 2 weeks then chlomid ,nolva for 4 weeks

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDecaHGHSuperdrolaromasin
1500mg400mg4iu10mg ED12.5 EOD
2500mg400mg4iu20mg ED12.5 EOD
3500mg400mg4iu20mg ED12.5 EOD
4500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
5500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
6500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
7500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
8500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
9500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
10500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
11500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
12500mg400mg4iu12.5 EOD
13500mg4iu12.5 EOD
14500mg4iu12.5 EOD
tone210's picture

I did a similar cycle with test e, deca, dbol used aromasin and caber kept most of my bloat down.

Makwa's picture

I don't think the var at the end would be really worth it. Your muscles should be plenty hard from the test and deca and you likely won't see any hardening effects since your bodyfat will be higher during a bulk. Don't think you will notice its physique enhancing effects at all with higher bodyfat. With a bulk your main goal should be putting on quality mass, not so much about lookiing hard and dry. That will happen when you cut and knock down the fat, then the var will be useful.

Monkeynews's picture

I thought deca might bloat me a bit .The last 2 cycles i did I've used anavar at the end and it seemed to help me lose the excess chub so seems to work for me

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