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Ostarine mk2866, GW501516, t3 cytomel cycle with Test booster during PCT


Just joined the eroids and thought I could contribute my experiences from my journal. I have already done this cycle and this was my experience. I apologize if this is against the rules.

23 year old. have done 3 cycles prior, good exp with AAS.
190 lbs 14% bodyfat. 220 when i competed and 8% bodyfat. got inured.

Cycle is small and I thought I could experiment with SARMS without any steroids to hone in on the effects and gain wisdom and exp.

prior exp with t3 was great, no side effects. maybe some slight insomnia. by far one of my favorites

Using P6 natty test booster (cellucor) to lower shbg( globulin) due to t3 raising it.
shbg, globulin holds free testosterone hostage in the blood. less shbg means more free test, think of it as a speed bump to prevent speeding in traffic.

more knowledge and experience with SARMS and their effects on my personal body. Better body composition. Expecting many problems and excited to trouble shoot. Excited to learn which SARMs I can later use in a cycle for synergy.

1. Expecting problems. afraid my libido will go down while I take the t3 without exogenous testosterone. I decided to counter with a natty test booster. I will learn if this is safe or stupid.
2. Afraid that Ostarine won't work or that dosage is too high or too low, too much conflicting info on the net .
3. GW sounds too good to be true, I read a study on it. GW is a PPAR delta nuclear peptide agonist that oxidizes adipose tissue. BASICLY. it makes you breathe harder and more to burn more fat.

WeekCytomelgw501516Ostarine p6
15mcg,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 405, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, mg ed5 mg ed4 caps daily
240 mcg12 mg10 mg4 caps daily
340 mcg12 mg15 mg4 caps daily
440 mcg12 mg20 mg4 caps daily
540 mcg12 mg204 caps daily
640 mcg12 mg204 caps daily
740 mcg12 mg204 caps daily
840 mcg12 mg204 caps daily
940 mcg12 mg204 caps daily
1040 mcg12 mg204 caps daily
1112 mg204 caps daily
humpnpump's picture

I'm sure Sarms aren't always going to mesh with everyone the same. You can pin your reaction down to the ostarine but was it the ostarine or did you get a bad batch from your research company is the question. If I were you I'd try once more, but use a different source.
GW doesn't make you breath heavy or at least no to my lab rats. I have great endurance on it I can run further, sprint more frequently in intervals and recovery faster. It's never made me feel like I'm short of breath or need albuterol.
T3 is playing roulette with your thyroid, you really don't need it, albuterol would be a safer option.
Thanks for sharing your experience and welcome to the board. If you ever need any input or help on setting up a cycle or Sarms run shoot me a PM.

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