Soccer069's picture
  • 14

+ 5 Kigtropin HGH / Chronotropin


These are the lab results of the Kigtropin "Juice" sold me. (The 1.8 result are the chronotropin from GRRL) He already assured me that with the rumors of kig being bad going around that he would replace my gear. Here are the labs regarding Kigtropin blue tops. I don't care what dealer has these stay away from them. As all the reviews state, they are bunk.

I used the chronotropin for a few days before getting my lab tests. I took 6IU's 4 hours before going in to take my test. My buddy who has been wanting to take HGH for some time now took 5IU's of the Kigtropin 4 hours before we rode together to go take the lab tests. I even included my bank statement to show I wasn't lying about ordering two kits.

For the record: 1.8 results are chron and the .8 are the kigs.

tonytulo's picture

If dummies are willing to buy em there will continue to be people willing to sell them lol.

CBBurrr's picture

yet this guy still gets 9 thumbs down for posting his bloods. SMH

killroy's picture

I just 1+ ya ... Now youve broke even on 9 points of karma ... I think that might be a first lol

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CBBurrr's picture

Is a few days enough to see results on blood work?

Soccer069's picture

HGH has a very short half life, and the amount taken peaks in your blood stream around 4 hours. So take your dose usually 4-6iu's and then the results will give you your answer if it's bunk or not. So whether you take it for days doesn't actually effect your levels after taking the shot, just the quality of the gear once injected

CBBurrr's picture

It is disappointing that you would get 9 negs for posting bloodwork.
If you had posted great results I bet it would be all thumbs up.
Do we really want eroids to be a place where folks are discouraged from posting less than flattering bloodwork?

boots2asses12's picture

So disappointing almost as didsapointing as me having a box of these chronos in the fridge ...

Soccer069's picture

A lot of politics around here man. It is what it is. I got sources from this site and for that im grateful. But I will no longer be posting bloodwork after this amount of animosity directed at me over simply posting truths.

Soccer069's picture

I honestly just wish others would go get blood work done on the chrons, so I'm not the only one catching heat. GRRL recently had some personal stuff so I am not bothering her about refund, but she wants me to send the other back. I've just been taking 10iu's a day of the chrons. Still have yet to feel any side effects but i also know that could take weeks. Anyways, checkout LabCorp use promo code "Healthy12" and it gives a 10% discount and then I won't be the only one with tests.

killroy's picture

These are the first Chronotropin GH serum labs Ive seen ever posted on eroids ...

this is going all the way back to days when arctic was around. And I've never seen igf levels.

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kodiakGRRL's picture

I used the chronotropin for a few days before getting my lab tests.

really... I think you should pm me and explain I don't want to put you on blast ...

irongame427's picture

What do you guys expect? these cheap color tops to not have gone to shit after a while? It happens with every non pharm grade why is everyone surprised.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

It's like gambling...odds aren't good but you always have that hope lol

In a promo × 1
Lucifer13's picture

Why do the number of IUs used change from one post to the next? 5, 6, 7... Not to say anybody's lying about anything, but inconsistent information is bound to arouse suspicion. Nothing implied, just sayin'

Soccer069's picture

Nah It was 6ius I did. I put 5 from a typo. and 7 on the comments because i was typing fast and i was frustrated about being attacked after i spent money to help every body here. I mean i like both of these srcs. Just be careful if you get the chrono hgh. and stay away from kigs apparently but we all already knew that.

Pale's picture

You may damn well be the dumbest member we have ever had here bro. First you put up pics that you have used on social media that directly identify you and now you are putting up bank statements? This shit is no joke! I am tempted to ban you to save you from your own stupidity.

stormuk69's picture

lol.....just lol.

In a promo × 1
Soccer069's picture

Darth Pale, I apologize. I wasn't serious about being a member (or one that purchases) when i first joined up, hence the actual picture so I wasn't worried about having my face on here. As far as the bank shot goes, it wasn't going to be up long and it was to get people off of my back to show them i purchased two labs. From here on out, it won't happen again because I assure you I'm far from dumb. My actions of recent have stated otherwise and i apologize.

Soccer069's picture

Bank statements are down. And they had no personal info on them. It was to prove the lab orders were real while i was being attacked for blacking out the req numbers. (I'm still new to this site) Yeaaah, not the smartest idea posting bank statement probably, apologies for that, but I PAID for the tests and i'm not lying about them. I guess I just wanted to prove to everyone i was being serious. I love both of these SRC's, and I'm sure they'll right the wrongs, but I just wanted people to be aware.

Pale's picture

That is fine and I have no problem with you posting bloods but be safe about it.

Soccer069's picture

Will do brother. Didn't mean to step on any toes

NoWeakAces's picture

Bro, maybe all this is legit, maybe it's not. My FEELING is that something is off, but I have ZERO PROOF. But for the sake of your own security, take your damn bank statement down. If you prove yourself right about these tests but you open yourself up to legal action, what have you gained?

Soccer069's picture

I can assure you the blood are legitimate and we're done properly.

Soccer069's picture

You have the two lab tests as proof. I'm not a seller. I'm not advertising for anyone. I actually LIKE both of these SRC's and think you should still go to them. Just stay away from Kigtropin bro. And as for Chronotropin, you saw the numbers. I mixed it correctly and did 6IUs 4 hours prior to the test. MAYBE it was a bad batch, maybe not. It's your call bro. Like I said I finally got on this account because I want to start helping people. I went to school for computers and am better with them than a lot of people so I'm decent at finding reliable sources. I have a few friends i'm looking for sources for too. Hence me being here. You could probably help me long before i can help you, but, if ever needed i'm here if you need anything. Odds are by your avatar you live pretty close to me anyways Blum 3

Soccer069's picture

This was my first time doing labs and i wasn't sure what to black out and what to leave. As you can see i have re-uploaded the pictures with all of the info except last names (blacked out).
I also uploaded a copy of my bank statement proving i purchased two lab tests. My account is old, but I myself am new to this site and am only looking to be helpful and make friends with both users and trusted SRCs. Both srcs whose pictures I posted labs of are great people and swear they'll send replacements if there are any problems. However, that is between me and the seller. I apologize to you all for any misunderstandings and hope you can +1 again so i do not look like a faker or a scammer, because that is the last thing i am and i do not stand for that at all. Thanks to everyone for reading.

CBBurrr's picture

Don't sweat it man. Most of us appreciate you posting bloods. A few just find it more believable that you would orchestrate duelling fake bloods than believe that a SRC they like could get bad gear.

Soccer069's picture

Well I like the SRC too, and I'm hoping they can help me out.

boots2asses12's picture

They won't

CBBurrr's picture

Looks legit to me, +1

Soccer069's picture

Ok I just updated my profile with my bank statement (some info hidden of course) to prove that i ordered two tests. And also updated the other two pictures to show my friend (Michaels) name under one of the tests, and my own name (Ryan) under the other test so that you know i'm not lying about the test results. The tests were given by labcorp I mean my god i was only doing this to help you guys... If you don't want the info then fine don't listen to it. But the facts are right there in front of your face. damn.

enhancedlife's picture

Scam artist . Neg this guy

Soccer069's picture

I'm not a scan artist. I was just new to uploading labs. Read the newly uploaded labs and please un-neg me. I'm an old account but new to this and would like to be around to buy and help others out. The labs were only to help you guys out.

Soccer069's picture

Ok let me make this clear. Both bloods were collected at the same time on two different HGHs by TWO DIFFERENT subjects. I did not take both blood tests

KK9111's picture

so close together. you mean the exact same min. its impossible to get the exact same result time even if they drew bloods at the same time. but anyone knows privatemedlabs dont draw at the exact same time

KK9111's picture

both your bloods were collected at the exact same date and time. Im sorry but im gonna have to neg this. It is impossible,even if you and your friend went together, to get the exact same time and date. Not to mention you blocked out one of the specimen #s because it was pro the exact same specimen

Soccer069's picture

I just answer this question on the other lab. My friend did the Kigtropin test. And I did the chronotropin test

KK9111's picture

nope you are def lying. You could not get the exact same result date. even if you went in at the same time. Your motives are obvious

Soccer069's picture

See where i'm coming from now, bro? ;) Two different people took the test, at the same time. My bro did it with me. And I uploaded those lab reports NOT blacked out this time.

Soccer069's picture

Oh my god i am not lying. I took the chronotropin test, and my friend took the Kigtropin test! we both took 5iu's roguhly 4 hours before we took the test. I just removed the black bars from the names and am now trying to upload it to prove it to you. You are more than WELcOME to call the place and ask them. I even have the receipt showing that i paid for two separate labs. You tell me what info you would like and I would be more than happy to show you i'm not lying.

NoWeakAces's picture

You stated 7iu's in your description of your chronos bloods. You stated in a reply to one of my comments you took 6iu's. Now you say 5.

Soccer069's picture

I know I took 6iu. Didn't mean 7. I apologize, I was frustrated by getting called a scammer and was typing fast at the time.

Soccer069's picture

I know I took 6iu. Didn't mean 7. I apologize, I was frustrated by getting called a scammer and was typing fast at the time.
Please un-neg me..