Eagles 2013's picture
Eagles 2013
  • 117

+ 13 2 Year Progress Pics


Well guys, here's the story- about two and a half years ago I was in a terrible car accident that almost took my life. I spent a week in a coma on a ventilator in the ICU and was bed ridden for 6 months, unable to move the left side of my body and forced to move in with my parents as I was single and unable to take care of myself. My doctors initially told me that I would never be able to live on my own again, would likely never regain control of the left side of my body and would never recover enough mentally to complete a 4 year college degree or maintain a full time job. Instead of letting that bring me down I let it piss me the f**k off, told the docs they were wrong and I was going to come back bigger, stronger and smarter then I was before the accident (as they smirked at me) and then channeled that energy to light an absolute fire under my ass to prove everyone wrong. I was 6'2, 230 lbs and about 12% bf when this happened. I worked relentlessly with my therapist, going from learning how to feed myself again, to learning how to write again, to learning how to walk again as by the grace of God I slowly regained control of my left side (I suffered a great deal of never damage and traumatic brain energy). After 6 months I was no longer stuck in a bed, I had regained my mental dexterity and was able to move out of my parents house and live on my own again. The first picture of me with the cake was taken at the moving in party my friends and family threw for me when I officially moved in to my own place again. By the time this picture was taken I had lost over 30 lbs of lean muscle mass and gained at least 20 lbs of body fat even though it was hard to see here because it was in my midsection and I was sitting. My next goal upon moving out of my parents house was to get back in school and gain back all of muscle I had lost while I was recovering. I got back in school full time,finished my 4 year degree a semester early, decided to really spit in my docs face by enrolling in a master's degree program and graduated with honors in a year by taking a double course load. Also, I busted my ass in the gym and the kitchen day in and day out and gained back everything I had lost along with an extra 10 lbs of lean mass and a great deal of strength. Now that I have gained that back I am working on cutting the extra body fat and shaping it all up. The moral of my story is DO NOT...EVER let anyone tell you what you are or are not capable of because only you can determine that! I was told that I would never move out of my parents house, could never get back in college, would likely never walk on my own again and to basically give up on the life that I wanted for myself. I stand here a little over 2 years later bigger,stronger, more independent and working a full time, professional job that I got after I finished my master's degree. Last week I WALKED- on my own- into the doctors office who initially diagnosed me, showed him my masters degree diploma and told him he needed to forget half of the sh*t he learned in med school and learn how to believe in the power of human motivation .That was one of the best moments of my life. You guys have been invaluable along this journey. The support, education, motivation and all around positive environment here picked me up when I was feeling weak and kept me motivated. I love this community and thank you all for everything you do. I will continue posting progress pics and expect to be pretty good and cut up in the next few months. Stay strong, lift heavy and be good brothers. God bless

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House's picture


Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 3
Theophany's picture

Amazing just amazing brother! I'm having trouble finding the right words in my heart at the moment! +2 for your stoic efforts and becoming victorious in the face of insurmountable odds! People, myself included, think they have problems until they look at others! Your story and your unbridled fortitude brought joy and hope to my day!
I can never thank you enough! Also, you look fantastic!

Eagles 2013's picture

Thank you so much for the positive words brother, it really does mean a lot. Also, what you say about thinking your own problems are bad compared to others is very true and something that I am guilty of as well. If you look at my second picture, you will see that my left pec is slightly underdeveloped compared to the right. That is because although I regained control of that side of my body there was some irreparable damage done to that shoulder which limits my range of motion in that arm. As a result, I can not fully activate the outer portion of my left pec on any type of press exercise. I will get mad about that on chest or shoulder day from time to time then stop and think about the guy in a wheelchair who is in there doing upper body 3X a week and I immediately feel ashamed for being bummed about such a minor problem by comparison. Thank you again for the positive words and I wish you nothing but the best!

Bagman's picture

Congrats level 1! +1 stay hardcore

Eagles 2013's picture

Thanks bro! It feels good to finally lose the regular tag!

zeb0312's picture

WOW great work and determination you are a inspiration for sure +2 all day

keep moving forward and keep us all posted


Eagles 2013's picture

Thanks bro, I really do appreciate it. I'm going to keep killing it day in and day and can't wait to post more progress pics in a few months!

irongame427's picture

Hell ya bro now that's an inspirational story right there. Keep the same focus and determenation and the sky's the limit for you in all aspects of life.+2 but you deserve more.

Eagles 2013's picture

Thanks bro! Life is just like anything else man, you don't realize how good it is until you almost lose it. I'm really excited to see where the next few years will take me. Focus and determination are the keys to unlocking just about any door

chunkypbnj's picture

+1 from me. I too was told I would not be able to function as I could before my accident. My doc told me I had less than a 5% chance and not to get my hopes up. I laughed. I told him, "I am, without a doubt a harder worker than the previous 20 MFers. I got this." A year later, I sent him and email of me in the bucket squating with 455 on my back and a video of me running a 13 sec 100yd dash.

Owes a Review × 1
Eagles 2013's picture

That's damn impressive man. Isn't it a sweet feeling to prove a doc wrong and then rub it in thier face like a puppy that pissed on the floor? ;-)

Eagles 2013's picture

Thanks bro, I'm as motivated as ever and plan to keep on keepin on. At the start of this I had my mother hang a dry erase board on the wall in front of my bed and write "Satisfaction halts progress". Those are truly words to live by and I will keep that same dry erase board hanging in front of my bed till the day I die

SuperMax's picture

Keep kicking ass & get shredded +2

Eagles 2013's picture

It's on brother. I can't wait to post my next progress pics in a few months