McNASTY's picture
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+ 14 I just started my cycle. Figured I'd throw up a before pic


I'm currently running tren e @ 500 EK, test e 600mg EK, 100mg of var ED . All from hulk body . I'm also running GH . Genotropin in the am @ 3iu an hyges .cn yellow tops @ 3iu's pm. ED. An ofcourse I got prami @ letro on hand.

Ordered from: 
Haze421's picture

Looking solid bro !! This cycle is gonna rip you up. +1

Theophany's picture

Looking fantastic brother! You possess an amazing and impressive physique pre-cycle!
Nicely muscled and beautifully contoured! Outstanding work! +2 and keep us updated with cycle pics which should prove staggering!

Theophany's picture

You are most welcome friend and thank you kindly for the FR! I love to interact with the younger members in our community who are so committed to the lifestyle! If you require anything of me, please let me know!

lundgren's picture

Nice work !
Why mix your Genotropin and HyGe ?
+1 about the progress & results :-)

lundgren's picture

I agree the price of Geno are really expensive vs all generic "Tropin" or "color top" but I think you pay what you have.
You use 3 UI's , it's equal to around 1mg, have you try smaller dosages with Geno ?
I suggest you try between 0.2 and 0.3 mg for 30 days you will be surprised at the results ;-)
Enjoy your stuff and all the best !

irongame427's picture

Looking good bro. You should progress nicely with that cycle.

humpnpump's picture

Looking solid man, you gonna put on some lean mass with that stack.

Lilbear's picture

Looking good big man. +1