slimjim's picture
  • 9

HPTA Recovery that is proven to work


I am working with an endocrinologist who has me scheduled for a brain MRI soon to make sure there is no underling problems behind me being shutdown. If she doesn't find anything bad on the MRI i have a couple options. She is probably going to try to prescribe me something to kick start my HPTA but before i do anything i want to make sure she has good experience with this type of situation because i cant really imagine she has treated many guys as young as me who come to her shutdown from AAS. I am leaning toward another option which is the protocol i have written here and the reason i would rather do this protocal is because it has " successfully treated more than 100 cases of hypogonadism/hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, and is very well known in the field of androgen replacement therapy" to me this seems like a good decision to go with the protocol that has been tested and proven to be successful many many times. I am looking for some much needed input, i do not want to further hurt myself. I mentioned clomid to her my first visit and she had no clue what i was talking which scares me. If i ran this protocol when should i get blood work done? obviously a month after its done but should i do it during?

Blood work:
Total Test - 129 ng/dL normal 250-100
Free Test - 12.6 pg/mL normal 35-155
LH - .7 mIU/mL normal 1.5-9.3
FSH - .9 mIU/mL normal 1.4-18.1

source of information:

1-162500iu eod (8 shots total)100mg ED20mg ED
17-30100mg ED20mg ED
31-4520mg ED
NoMar02's picture

Just want to let you all know that i have finally recovered. My libido is high and energy levels are up.

My age is 23 and i have several years lifting experience and i have not juiced since the last cycle below.

In 2015 Sept i did Trenbolone Acetate 700mg/weekly for 10 weeks and Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/weekly for 10 weeks.

I did use HCG and caber during the cycle. After i had finished cycle i did Clomid/Nolva PCT. BUT i did not recover in several months. I was tired and my libido was completely off. Even cialis/viagra did not help me. I was scared that i have to TRT for the rest of my life. So i decided to do PowerPCT to restart my HPTA. After doing that i felt i was recovering and feeling better thankfully. It took 6 months for the total to fully recover.

I did overdosage Trenbolone Acetate. That was my mistake and shut me down very hard.

I decided to write this and give hope to anyone who is experiencing difficulties with recoverying from any cycle.

NoMar02's picture

Wondering did you recovered?

Dickkhead's picture

I posted this in your forum post as well:

Bro, the issue here is to find an endo that has worked with patients that have used steroids and has had some measure of success in HPTA restoration. If your endo does not have that experience, I would anticipate that she will do her best, of course, but she has no experience in treating your condition. I had a heart condition. I saw numerous cardiologists in New York and was told there was nothing they could do. Time to get on the transplant list. My work moved me to Baltimore. I decided to stop by and see someone at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. That hospital and I guess the Mayo Clinic are about the pinnacle of American medicine. At the JHH, the doctor said dryly "No worries, I can fix this." I was in the hospital 1 night. Problem solved. Doctor, I said, do I have any physical limitations? The doctor replied, "Mr. Smith, you can climb Mt. Everest for all I care!" If your endo can't fix it, don't give up so quick!

stretch_95's picture

Sometimes it really does just takes finding the right doctor. The Dr. House of doctors is the one I want if something serious is wrong with me and every other doctor is just throwing in the towel. Glad to hear you found that doctor.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

if this does not work you may want to start researching triptorelin. That would be another way to attack your problem.
Best of luck to you

britishbulldogg's picture

Damn, hope everything goes well for you bro

konig's picture

I really hope Gearhead or MegaT throw their two cents in here.. God bless you brother and I wish you the best..