only1cat's picture
  • 172

22 year old distribution empire of aas busted


jsmith's picture

You're exactly right. And that's why we have rehab. You can go to rehab and pass a few drug tests and pretty much be good. You'd be surprised how many employers overlook drug charges as long as you're rehabbed. Legally they can't ask him what the substance was in an interview setting.
That being said, common sense would tell anyone reading these articles that this kid isn't going to be seeking employment at a fortune 500 company and definitely not government. He will most likely be building his own fortune 500 company from the ground up... again.
I don't think his life is ruined at all. He's a kid. He'll get a little time most likely in a camp or minimum security. His crime wasn't violent. He's basically a white collar criminal IF found guilty. That kinda money buys good lawyers and like you said we don't know everything. We only know what's being fed by media.

Pale's picture

If I may quote the Viking himself. "BOOOOM!"

jsmith's picture

I didn't know you had a following!

Pale's picture

Me neither, lol

jsmith's picture


alain_305mia's picture

Fuck. Now more attention at Eroids. From the looks Joe Squarepants is getting a slap on the wrist. God I wish I went to college! So much opportunities and exceptions.

HailRazor's picture

ERoids is nothing more than a review and AAS informative site. No wrong doings going on here.

alain_305mia's picture

If it wasnt for this place most would have been in the hospital or worst. The education I recieve here is tremendous.

aronl's picture

Makes me so pissed the hypocrisy like others said when this happens. Just this week I learned a guy i used to know had changed to a girl and the doctor prescribed him hormones to look and feel like a female. So it is legal and approved, and I believe insurance covers- to give TOTALLY MEDICALLY UNNECESSARY hormone drugs to these fucking freaks to change to be something they are not, yet if an normal person wants AAS to look and feel their best then that is a crime. What a joke.

NoPain's picture

That's actually a really good point. Wtf we are getting screwed lol

ericnonaya's picture

yea i feel ya brother. we live in a country that gives the ok to CENSORED on the premise of its their body but when i want to take things into my body that is no risk to anyone but myself im committing crime. what a fucking joke is right

HllwdBdBoy's picture


ericnonaya's picture

i never noticed any other warning? but ok bro got it loud and clear

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

what a different way to look at it. It's legal to be lady boy but theese arms are illegal? the traps def are LOL Where did my neck go?

Pale's picture

X2, A profound way to look at it...

guitarplayer1's picture

Gear used to be easy to get before the whole Ben Johnson BS back in 1990. It's all about cheating in the governments eyes, they could not have Canada get gold while we got silver. Same in baseball and all other sports. Sports and gambling is a big business in the US.

The studies and proof that it is "bad" for you are few if any.

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ericnonaya's picture


aronl's picture

F....Total stand-up guy now picked off. He will be missed. I hope whoever was brewing for him will find a new src.

HailRazor's picture

Here's another report:

According to this, there were 2 confidential Informants that snitched on MUTA. Looks like the Judge put him on house arrest and is allowing him to continue to attend his college classes. I know that everyone has their opinion about the situation, but I can tell you this much, when I was 22 I wasn't running a steroid empire. Smile

Pale's picture

Nice, the article mentions Eroids....

HailRazor's picture

Yep. It would seem that Joseph was the distribution mastermind and not the manufacturer since I don't see any charges for manufacturing AAS. It makes since that all these sources are going dark. But we will never really know the entire story. A very extensive Matrix Web of behind the scenes players. Interesting stuff

Pale's picture

Oh yea, I noticed no delivery/manufacture charge as well. I think management shut down new members for now, I can only imagine all of the reporters and nosey, Joe Schmoe do-gooders perusing the site right now.

HailRazor's picture

It would be nice to see someone put this site into light as a "harm reduction" place of information. Keeping us safe on what and how we are taking these compounds. Since the illegalization brings about dangerous Black Market practices.....this site is much needed to keep us safe.

Pale's picture

Ain't that the truth brother! Sadly our news media will have none of it, we would gladly be held up as the sacrificial lambs..

only1cat's picture

I completely agree with you the problem is, Johnny saint has given aas such a bad name already it will be extremely hard to turn it around. Also the site, I'm afraid will gain nothing but the negativity because of this.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Muta! If you are out there please read this!

Hope this helps.

All my love no homo

rookiemedic2.5's picture

Ed your timing is impeccable, some might say 'too soon', but I think its just right!

Bigman111's picture

Ouch lmao

wolvesreign's picture

I tried looking for the cancer connection b4. NIH is full of shit, there is no link at this time between cancer and aas. Theres way too much drama going on right now. Hopefully bfg and the mods get everything back on track. Check back in a few weeks.

tootallslim's picture

So I posted this article on another forum and dudes are freaking out! They hadn't heard about this yet and they have placed several orders from mutagenic and subscribed to the news letter.

This goes way beyond eroids. I can't even imagine how many people ordered from him.

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IrishMack's picture

Seriously? someone fkn negging my posts? Whoever did it care to explain why? or is it more pussynegging?

Elluckyluciano's picture

Stupid question. lets say the feds went after everyone on the mailing list and you happen to get rid if ur muta gear before they came but you still have ur own stash of other gear. Would u still get fucked? i know that wouldnt happen just wanna know

Elluckyluciano's picture

Looks like my 5bottles are goona get some tape and sharpies on them lol

only1cat's picture

Uhhhh yeah

Elluckyluciano's picture

lol ok

BeastMoDe33's picture

Heres what ive learned about the justice system. Ive been to court over some HEAVY shit myself. All I can say openly is with the right lawyer and enough money, Muta is only facing minimal charges. I highly doubt they will slam this 22 yr old college kid whom never had time to build up a criminal record for himself. And one other thing. Yes I do believe he will say whatever is necessary to help himself out in the long run. Ex: turning in others. Etc.

IrishMack's picture

Ever heard the term "setting an example?" That is more reason to throw the book at him; he is 22, running an illegal drug enterprise; Obama passed something not too long ago condemning aas harder. We are not the prosecution or the judge so we really can't say what will happen, they took all his money so he is not getting that fancy 1000 dollar an hour lawyer to defend him so its anyone's guess. We will have to wait and see; but if the case gets really quiet and there is very little exposure; he is singing like a canary. There is a state right next to me that something similiar is happening but he was not busted with aas. the case was hushed up and the guy just disappeared. Turns out he was singing so much they had to ask him to stop. This is what I see happening: From the movie Goonies:

Francis Fratelli: Tell us everything! Everything!

Chunk: Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

Jake Fratelli: I'm beginning to like this kid, Ma!

Mama Fratelli: [tired of Chunk's stalling] Hit puree!

tootallslim's picture

I Loved the Goonies when I was a kid. We had it on beta max Smile


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IrishMack's picture

I had it on laserdisc, wow am I aging myself or what?

only1cat's picture

Damn I'd say I remember them big gold flying saucers but you would think I was old.

IrishMack's picture

I still remember when that was the shit, everyone was buying them so I had to get it myself. I was not impressed at all considering we were still using our old ass picture tube TV to watch it on.

only1cat's picture

I know, thinking back on that it's a wonder that dvds and cd's took so long to catch on.

IrishMack's picture

the laserdisc was the precursor to the cd and dvd.