Harley1969's picture
  • 246

Too Much Testosterone Linked To Shorter Life Spans?


Interesting read on effects of high testosterone. Not sure if I agree though.

finafan's picture

I bet the reason the conclusion was made that Test shortens life is not the testosterone fault. People that take testosterone Are larger than avarage. The bigger the body is the harder all the organs have to work. I do not think being a 265 pound guy with 3% body fat vs 265 40% fat matters to the hearts life.

Squatrack2's picture

I understand your overall point but I have to disagree with your last statement. There is no way the cardiovascular risk factors are the same for an individual with a 40% body fat composition to that of one with a single digit body fat %

Harley1969's picture

Sorry, can't get the link to show up...

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