Barabbas's picture
  • 166

+ 7 About to kill it


Was about to hit the gym just pinned 1ml EA TNE.

Ordered from: 
alayna's picture
You look absolutely awesome!
Barabbas's picture

Thank you! Coming from a smokin hot woman makes that much better lol. Your lookin amazing.

Barabbas's picture

Bench is 320 +bar for 5 reps 1 assisted(don't really like bench press) more of a dumbell guy. squats have been low due to tweaking my knee sparing so keeping it nice and low right now. Deads are the same around 225 due to my knee hurtin and being all swollen

Theophany's picture

Looking sensational brother! Muscular, strong and powerful physique! Keep packing on that mass and when cut time arrives so will a stage worthy physiqe! Outstanding work! +1

POWERHOUSE34's picture

looking thick & strong brother- +1

Barabbas's picture

Feeling real strong bro.lookin to pack on another 8-10lbs

NuclearMess's picture

Nice and thick brother! +1

Barabbas's picture

Thank you sir. Working hard.