adg322's picture
  • 21

+ 1 first cycle folks. test e and test p taper into pct


5'11", 188lbs, BF ?

This cycle is designed to offset set the sudden decreases due to the fading enanthate, and provide for a more gradual decrease leading into PCT.


WeekTestosterone EnanthateTestostrone Propexemestaneclomidnolva
1500mg per week6.25mg ed
2500mg per week6.25mg ed
3500mg per week6.25mg ed
4500mg per week6.25mg ed
5500mg per week6.25mg ed
6500mg per week6.25mg ed
7500mg per week6.25mg ed
8500mg per week6.25mg ed
9500mg per week6.25mg ed
10500mg per week6.25mg ed
11500mg per week6.25mg ed
12500mg per week6.25mg ed
13100mg eod6.25mg ed
1475mg eod6.25mg ed
1550mg eod6.25mg ed
16100mg ed40mg ed
17100mg ed40mg ed
1850mg ed20mg ed
1950mg ed20mg ed
boldone's picture

No need to taper the short ester down, just stick with the 100mg eod.

adg322's picture

completely reconstructed my cycle guys. threw out d bol, and added test p to compensate for the drop in levels from the long acting enthanate. Also got a real AI instead of relying on formestane. thanks for all the help!

boldone's picture

You'll need a longer gap between last pin and PCT, 14ish days. You shouldn't really front load, not that you shouldn't I guess, but with this being your first cycle, plus you're using Dbol, it isn't necessary.

pumpingir0n's picture

what site did you get your dbol from?

boldone's picture

I have a feeling about you and I don't like it.

adg322's picture

WHat? PM me bro

boldone's picture

PM sent.

adg322's picture


adg322's picture


adg322's picture


wilzz's picture

just like they said chuck out the dbol, you wanna see how your body reacts to test e on its own before adding anything else to the mix.

adg322's picture

heard that, I'm going to take everyones advice. I'm not in a huge rush or anything.

adg322's picture

Man i didnt expect so many responses this quick. I appreciate all the advice guys. Thats me over analyzing shit and trying to re-invent the wheel.

strongman480's picture

for your first cycle i would recommend just running the test at 500 mg no front load. the reason why is because if you are gyno prone and you front load, it will hit you hard and fast. like every one else said no d-bol.

ziabungle's picture

I agree with Whitechocolate, stick with test for a 1st cycle. You should gain more than 5lbs with proper diet and workrout. Also I looked up formeron, its a prohormone. Stick with whats tried and true, have nolva on hand for any estrogen problems. I myslef use letrozole because im very gyno prone. Good luck brother.

whitechocolate's picture

Ok this is your first cycle stick with just test e 12 weeks at 500 a week and use aromasin or adex for AI and also pct is two weeks after last injection! Clomid 100 100 50 50 and nolva 40 40 20 20

adg322's picture

Thank you sir.

whitechocolate's picture


raw lifter's picture


Owes a Review × 1
HllwdBdBoy's picture


Pale's picture

X4, no sense in trying to reinvent the wheel bro. Enjoy that sweet, sweet testosterone..

Boostedbody's picture
