yeegits's picture
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ok guys so im just voicing my opinion here please dont get too wound up over this ... banner is a great guy and always ON point, his gear is excellent i have a stash of over 15 vials but the TNE , all i get is a terrible taste in my mouth and a headache when i leave the gym... i tried .5 cc first than 4 days later i did 1.2 cc and nothing at all, no increase energy, same weight

anybody else not feel this?? is it just me i dont get it

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yeegits's picture

im looking closely and theres a lot of little stuff floating around in the vial... hmmm

Warmachine's picture

I see a lot of guys on here saying Test is Test. That's for sure , But that does not mean it will affect you the same as it does me. I would see what Banner has to say and if anyone else has had these same issues. Maybe it has nothing to do with the compound itself but something else that's used to make this specific Tne..... I'm not sure what's all in it but its worth looking into. Headache's can be a sign of being allergic to something. They also can be a sign of high BP .. Do you have something to check your BP with ?

yeegits's picture

Im on my last week test e cycle with a superdrol kick and this whole.cycle i had no sex drive... maybe my receptors r messed up idk... literally likr a struggle to keep it up

Elluckyluciano's picture

Now let me ask you this. Will tne from wherever its from always have a specific smell to it? or is it possible for a source to make it with no smell an have the same effect. I just keep reading every1 who i getting tne saying it has a really strong smell to it so im not sure

Pepwarehouse's picture

My experience with about 4-5 TNE including hulk's is they all smell the same(pretty damn close) real strong lingering smell. Its the Guaiacol i believe.

Warmachine's picture

From my experience tne has a strong, distinct smell. That seems to be the general consensus. Now does that mean all tne has to smell that way ... I don't know, and actually its a really good question..

Elluckyluciano's picture

Should TNE always have a weird strong kind of smell to it?

yeegits's picture

Smells musky and pineish idk how to describe it but it wreaks up my entire room

Elluckyluciano's picture

Yea mine has no type of smell to it just like a reg oil smell. Im guessing its misslabled. My source seems like there on top of their shit so hopefully they make it right. I ordered with hulk before there good ppl. If something is wrong they will make it right bro. Your in good hands.

Warmachine's picture

Imo I would edit the title of this post. Then send Banner or Phoenix a PM or an E-mail . If they have treated you well then they should continue to treat you well. And please don't think I'm some Fanboy of there's . I have never once placed an order with them. I'm just saying they might take the title as disrespect. I don't think what your saying in your post is bad. I just think the title sounds shitty

Elluckyluciano's picture

Yea bro im on the same boat. I got some tne from another source. Didnt do shit for me and it was my first time trying. went from 1cc to 1.5cc and nothing. And mine did not smell like anything ive heard it has a really unique kind of smell to it. Kinda sux... Hoping its just a bad batch heard tne is badass.

eatchicken's picture

I.get badass pumps and aggression and the taste but my brother doesnt get anything other then the taste, and we used drom the same vial, it.migjt depend from.person to person

bosuj's picture

contact banner or phoenix directly see what they say

Owes a Review × 1
youngtricep98's picture

TNE should give you a rush. I got a taste of test in my mouth and insane pumps. Sounds like you got a bad bottle of TNE.

yeegits's picture

My buddy says the same thing as me so it can't be me... we have beeen sharing this vial same dosing samr times