csa2179's picture
  • 13

+ 5 Roxi's Tren ace after i sterilized it!!


the first pic. the two vials on the left are the clean and sterile Tren. the other 4 vials are the vials the tren came in. notice the gross residue.

second pic is the Clean Tren ace in a clear vial so you can see it.

third pic is the original product roxi sent me

Forth is another close up of the original vial after i had drained it

fifth is a pic of the tren ace in a amber bottle. funny its more transparent than roxi's clear vials.

so now that i sterilized it my self i will start using it in a few weeks. hopefully its not just corn oil. his mast p has turned out legit. im very disappointed in my purchase. it was a good bit of work to get the tren looking the way it does now. ive heard that some people didnt even get there order, that sucks and im sorry to hear that. i wouldnt recommend roxi to anyone.

just thought id let everyone see the product after i did roxi's job.

Ordered from: 
FinMan's picture

I think it's tren ace from fina. When I was learning it happened to me and I was stumped. I learned though and it never really happened after I figured out why. All the signs of brewed fina are there... The color, the murkiness, the stained vials...
You did an excellent job of recovering it. Up to you if you pin it or not but it HAS been through a .45 and then a .22 micron as you said.
I don't think much bad can get through a .22

reMARKable's picture

I just got my test e today. Cloudy bottles. I've ordered in the past and looked nothing like this. Wtf Roxi?

reMARKable's picture

I heated a bottle and it became clear like how it should look like.

reMARKable's picture

Corn oil. I know what you mean. Its milky looking. I have half of his bottle of test e I got from my last cycle and it looks good.

csa2179's picture

Thanks. It looked like he had use some old fina kits and been sloppy with it. I know from research and a buddy who homebrews that tren can get murky and red when it's not processed properly. Ie the binders aren't stripped. Over all it was a fun little project, the looming threat of being caught in the lab enhanced the excitement.

porky's picture

You did a nice job , but I wouldt pin it ..

91silvia's picture

Dam bro looks good!!! But I would still have to say you shouldn't have to go through all that. You paid with your hard earned money all you should have to do is pin that shit...

Chupakabro's picture

Even though you have the know how ,and facilities,the fact that you had to do all that is reason enough to trash that shit! I got burned from his tren e ,and wasted 8 weeks of my cycle injecting corn oil.Not to mention the black specs.i thought about filtering etc.,but fuck that! Thats what you pay for,not some brew it yourself kit.he really turned out to be a scumbag.

csa2179's picture

I agree.

SuperMax's picture

Have you used roxi in the past? Or is this your first order through this src? I've heard of particulate matter in their vials before. I can appreciate this post+1

csa2179's picture

First just would like to say don't order from roxi. This was my first order but I have had a few buddies use home before. At one point he was an okay sorce. It's my understanding his tren has always been slightly under dosed. Even if this tren turned out great I would post the results to discourage people from using him.

csa2179's picture

No it was removed from original vials. Heated for 2 hours in a sterile enviornment.Cooled. Then filtered with a sterile .45 micron whatman. Then filtered again with a sterile .22 micron filter. And placed in new sterile vials.

I have 24 hour access to the chem lab at school. U could do this at home but I used a magnitized hot plate. Kept the oil moving and at a constant temp.

SL's picture

For reals

csa2179's picture

thanks guys

speed4goal's picture

Thanks for posting pics for us. And i hope no one waste money here. Thumbs up from me. You might save someone a nasty infection

Pmob's picture

Im sorry the last thing I would do is filter my own gear that I paid for !! I would trash it !! A loss is a loss ! +1 brother for trying !!

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